Author Topic: Game Design Megathread  (Read 447742 times)

That's really cool. Your sprite work is awesome. I especially like that little bit of smoke that comes out of the barrel. Though I think the bullets could be a bit smaller. I understand they're supposed to be exaggerated, but they're nearly the size of the character. :p

has anyone made a torque3d project before?
I'm working on one for fun right now
Are you asking how to make it or if anyone would be willing to help?

The 'new post' button on this thing is amazing.

scenic art for my game :)

So I've been fiddling around with this old platformer I have cooked up (I've been messing with it on and off for a while) and something struck me the other day to rework all of the animations and I really like what I did wit it.

Here's a video source to show you:

Untitled Game Footage

Everything I did myself, coding, art, etc.

I'm not entirely sure where to go with it. It's pretty fun to just walk around and punch the bunnies, has a bit of a Wario World feel to it. I'm thinking of adding weapons and other such stuff for stuffs and gigs.

Originally I was sticking strictly to a NES color pallete and 256x224 resolution, but I decided to go the way of neo-retro and impliment better handling than trying to emulate oldschool, so it's in widescreen and able to use a PC's full range of colors (though the main character still only uses three colors and a permanent black).

oh that's beautiful falling and punching, wow
what kind of legs does that guy have to jump 6x his height?

Super legs.

I originally had him jumping three blocks (24x24 each) high and then with a double he totaled five blocks, but it just wasn't high enough.

^ I chuckled

lookin' good

what is a cave story

i swear 95% of my deaths in cave story are just because i love screwing around with the booster

(i also have more trouble with true last cave than hell so make of that what you will)

what is a cave story
is that supposed to be the booster on crack?

'supposed to be' nothing

it pretty much is just booster 12.0

Can you direct me to a working download of Brod's platformer basis? His site is down so the official link is dead.

I am having fun I don't even care how stupid this concept has become.

For those who care to see the silliness but also with sound (and me talking), I'll include another video link.
It's not done uploading yet, but it's 4AM and I should be sleeping so just watch it once it's finished.

After reading through the first page and then skipping to this one, I'm going to dive right in and ask some questions. I have been creating game concepts for as long as I can remember. Since I've never actually made any of these concepts I won't say that I'm qualified, but I will say that I'm not new and not naive. I know how much work goes into developing a game and I think I have a pretty good idea of how much planning it takes to make one successful. I believe I have some pretty great ideas and would love to see them realized. That said, I have no clue where to start. Initially, I heard GameMaker was a great way for beginners to start putting out games. However, I also heard that it's a "joke" in terms of game development. I know that C++ is an industry standard, so I figured I could bite the bullet and start learning that, however, I'm afraid I'm going to get bored learning the basics before I can really do anything. Additionally, and probably a bigger hindrance, I can't find any good sources on how to learn either of these. Many of the text tutorials are confusing and the video tutorials tend to be pretty narrow and specific.

In terms of what I want to make, I have ideas in both 2D and 3D covering a whole mess of genres. I've accepted that making a 3D game will be a ton more work, so I am fine with sticking to simple 2D games. I understand that network multiplayer is also complex and am fine with creating a singleplayer or same-console multiplayer experience. Among these games, I have ideas for platformers, top down adventure games, etc. All of these should be relatively easy to get up and running.

I guess my question is where should I start? Is GameMaker worth learning, or should I buckle down and learn C++ right away? When creating a game, how should I scale everything? Should I make the art first and then resize it in game to fit my needs, or should I size the art and build the game around that? Obviously I should prototype first with simple images, but what scale should I use as a starting point?

I am having fun I don't even care how stupid this concept has become.

For those who care to see the silliness but also with sound (and me talking), I'll include another video link.
It's not done uploading yet, but it's 4AM and I should be sleeping so just watch it once it's finished.



GM has recently become a pretty big player in the indie gaming realm. hotline miami, stealth bastard deluxe. lotsa games that have gone the distance are using GM now

and besides, GM basically just uses C++

try tigsource. lotsa good tutorials that are comprehensive and don't insult your intelligence

the scale doesn't really matter. have the scale facilitate your concept, and if something goes wrong, work around it- video games, in my experience, are basically held together by duct tape and willpower.