Author Topic: Space Engineers (Bug Fixing Period)  (Read 167593 times)

sensor blocks really forgets with the surprise attacks :(

sensor blocks really forgets with the surprise attacks :(
Not if the surprise is gravity propelled warheads. :)

yeah i was happy when fine value assignments came out, but that was a few updates ago. better to know now than later, tho

Do you guys play with thruster damage on or off?

I play with them off. I really wanted the idea of thruster damage but they made it so that small ship thrusters actually deal damage to LARGE ship armor blocks, and that's stupid. I don't want that ugly ass heavy armor block camouflage in my hangars. but perhaps I should consider it again idk

I play with them off. I really wanted the idea of thruster damage but they made it so that small ship thrusters actually deal damage to LARGE ship armor blocks, and that's stupid. I don't want that ugly ass heavy armor block camouflage in my hangars. but perhaps I should consider it again idk

I'm asking cause I'm trying to make magnetic mines and it'll be weird and bulbous looking if I have to consider thruster damage

I can't understand what is going on in this game. It's definitely not as easy as Starmade.

Yeah, its way more detailed in terms of stuff you can do.

Also, if anyone remembers that wielder/grinder ship I was working on... It failed horribly. c:

rotors tend to be finicky so eh

what they should do instead of sliders is have a diagram to set where the rotor spins to, this way you can do everything so much easier ahhh

I got this game yesterday and it is at least as cool as I thought it would be
but there is the issue that I have no creativity and can't come up with anything to build :c

what they should do instead of sliders is have a diagram to set where the rotor spins to, this way you can do everything so much easier ahhh

I agree

I got this game yesterday and it is at least as cool as I thought it would be
but there is the issue that I have no creativity and can't come up with anything to build :c

I only build ground machinery like excavators, tanks, rams, transporters, mobile cranes and etc.

There needs to be a way to set ships to automatically be effected by gravity. The stupid gravity block things only pull that part of your ship, and it's so stupidly unrealistic.

There needs to be a way to set ships to automatically be effected by gravity. The stupid gravity block things only pull that part of your ship, and it's so stupidly unrealistic.

The devs stated that they want their game to be as realistic as possible, but keep parts of the game unrealistic for gameplay reasons. (Gravity Generator, ships not being affected by gravity unless they have an Artifical Mass, etc.)

Make ships have a toggle for gravity?

like inertia dampeners

I think you guys have a very false sense of gravity. If the asteroids were pulling on you and your ship, it'd be extremely minimal. You'd basically step off a small incline and be airborne.