Author Topic: BRV: Blockland Revised [ C̶a̶n̶c̶e̶l̶e̶d̶ ]  (Read 34737 times)

Finally got my hands on the latest version, I'll se if I can find anything any bugs.
I already found one bug: Open / close the overlay while you're in the menu. Then go ingame and try to press the escape menu, nothing shows up. I can fix it in the next update, but a quick way to make it show up is to open and close the overlay while ingame. The problem is that I didn't re-bind the escape key back to the menu, when you press escape to close the overlay.

Also is Legacy RTB Pref support being worked on?
Do you mean the server prefs? We are working on a server prefs system if thats what you mean.

We are also working on a new overlay. I will post some 'prototype' pictures made by Filipe, later. (many thanks, man!)

This forgets up my insert key and my numpad 0 key

This forgets up my insert key and my numpad 0 key
Could you go a little bit more in detail on how it forgets up?

Could you go a little bit more in detail on how it forgets up?
for me, it doesn't forget up my insert. however, it is annoying when i crouch and i press 0, which opens the overlay.

for me, it doesn't forget up my insert. however, it is annoying when i crouch and i press 0, which opens the overlay.
Im going to add custom keybinds, so you can change them to your liking.

Also, here is the awesome concept art made by Filipe:

An example of the overlay. White squares would be slightly transparent so you can see the background. The transparency would change across the squares over time, giving it a "moving" look. When you hover over the buttons, they would ease out a little, while also increasing in saturation and opacity.

The background color would change, depending on the color of the button you press.

I'm glad I could help (with concepts that is)

-What the forget did you just loving say about me, you little snip? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Blockland Editing school, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on quotes, and I have over 300 confirmed snips. I am trained in editing warfare and I’m the top snipper in the entire blockland forums. You are nothing to me but just another quote. I will wipe you the forget out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this forum, mark my loving words. You think you can get away with saying that stuff to me over the Internet? Think again, post. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of editors across the USA and your quote is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your quote. You’re loving dead, quote. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can snip you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare typing hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed snips, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Blockland Forums Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the forum, you little stuff. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” post was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your loving tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn post. I will stuff edits all over you and you will drown in it. You’re loving dead, post.-
blockland 8
« Last Edit: February 24, 2015, 09:07:33 PM by Hawt »

Im going to add custom keybinds, so you can change them to your liking.

Also, here is the awesome concept art made by Filipe:

An example of the overlay. White squares would be slightly transparent so you can see the background. The transparency would change across the squares over time, giving it a "moving" look. When you hover over the buttons, they would ease out a little, while also increasing in saturation and opacity.

The background color would change, depending on the color of the button you press.
The squares don't look good, they look like if they would fit a racing gamemode, filipe I think that was unintentional, but...well.
Mainly due to the fact they are diagonal and there is some major ocd going on here.

The ends of the buttons look alright, but I think without the angle / it would be better in a graph style |

I think it would be fine with a simple 70% opaque grey or black background.

Filipe really likes his square backgrounds.. I see them everywhere

Filipe really likes his square backgrounds.. I see them everywhere
I could add stripes instead but the buttons have stripes already, what is the deal anyway?

It looks nice, but I think you should keep the same design you have now as it will be more consistent with vanilla Blockland.

I could add stripes instead but the buttons have stripes already, what is the deal anyway?
nononono keep the squares I'm just stating u use them alot

nononono keep the squares I'm just stating u use them alot
i think its fine how it is

Why not have, say, 3-5 theme selections?  I like the concept of the squares changing colors, but differing patterns would be nice.

Also it looks like something that would be on Wii.