
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 499256 times)

Unless u want to completely plateau in ranked, don't play singed. He's useless in high elo at the moment(46% winrate in plat+), there is only one singed main in master and none in challenger on NA, EUW
i mean hey he'll probably stay in silver-ish for at least a few months after lvl. 30 & singed is really fun to learn in that ELO since it works well over there

i mean hey he'll probably stay in silver-ish for at least a few months after lvl. 30 & singed is really fun to learn in that ELO since it works well over there
yea but my concern is that since singed is so unique, learning how to play singed doesn't actually teach you much useful for other champions.

The reason so many singed players one trick is that given the unique dynamics of playing as singed, everything that is a good idea on singed is a bad idea on other top lane champions. It's almost like an entirely different game. I get where you're coming from, and singed could definitely be a low elo pubstomper, but it will definitely inhibit learning in the long term to pick him up in his current state.

play garen top, play yi jungle, play katarina or annie mid, play ashe adc, and play leona support (all suggestions dont listen to this too hard haha)
yi is not a good jungle to start with since he can be counter-jungled easily and has to get really fed to be anything above worthless

hecarim, zac, rek'sai and vi are all easy junglers that still contribute to their team even when they're behind

kat's also a character that takes a lot more effort to play correctly than just pressing a couple buttons, talon is probably the easiest assassin for mid lane

i'd say these some of the easiest and least situational characters to play:
tops are garen, maokai, poppy, darius, sion, whatever i'm really skewed on easy to play top lane because i understand how to use most top lane characters
jgs are the four i already mentioned
mids are annie, veigar, ahri, anivia and viktor
adcs are tristana, jinx, sivir and mf
supports are sion again, soraka, lulu, janna, sona, really most supports are super easy to play because they're meant to not take mechanical skill but rather have to manage a bunch of item actives

none of those characters are really difficult to just pick up and know what abilities to use, what to max, what to buy, how to play them correctly, etc

I feel like hecarim needs to farm a bit much for that triforce rush into cinderhulk for midgame, unless you use a different build path. would be interested in knowing it as I haven't tried hec myself in games yet but I own him due to champ shards

could totally agree with the rest of the list on the easier spectrum of champs, viktor's laser takes some getting used to tho.

What have you been smoking, I wouldn't put reksai, anivia or viktor in easy tier and heca have such an awkward build path for a frontline jungler and only packs one, long cd, unreliable cc, gank tool, pre 6, so newbies would have a really hard time keeping up. Jinx swap weapons and needs time to get the hang of as well.

These would be my easiest picks.

Malphite, Garen top
Rammus, Amumu jungle
Lux, Annie mid
Tristana, Ashe adc
Sona, Soraka support

What have you been smoking, I wouldn't put reksai, anivia or viktor in easy tier and heca have such an awkward build path for a frontline jungler and only packs one, long cd, unreliable cc, gank tool, pre 6, so newbies would have a really hard time keeping up. Jinx swap weapons and needs time to get the hang of as well.

These would be my easiest picks.

Malphite, Garen top
Rammus, Amumu jungle
Lux, Annie mid
Tristana, Ashe adc
Sona, Soraka support
i was going for non situational characters that are easy, rammus and malphite aren't too good against teams that aren't ad-heavy and amu is another really easy to counter-jungle character since he doesn't have a way to get out of a bad situation other than q'ing a camp or flashing

i've haven't had too much trouble playing rek'sai or hecarim (and i don't jungle really at all), viktor has 1 skillshot and anivia just has to throw down her r and e for big damage

I feel like hecarim needs to farm a bit much for that triforce rush into cinderhulk for midgame, unless you use a different build path. would be interested in knowing it as I haven't tried hec myself in games yet but I own him due to champ shards
i p much still go cinderhulk to tri but normally i'll buy sheen and shroud after cinderhulk so i still get some decent damage but also have armor, cdr and mana since hecarim also uses all of that

anything after that just depends on how the game is going

i don't build gauntlet though

when the enemy team bans 3 adc and picks ashe

i feel like ive finally found a champion that fits 100% in my support playstyle and im having a lot of fun actually climbing
aaaaaaaaaaaaa after playing almost every champion in league of legends i finally found my maaain

i had a triple kill with him yesterday, lets see if i can get a bard penta, which i believe is totally possible with his damage output

ever since i got like 100% less roostery and stopped flaming and just playing i got like so much better.

so far everything on the leak is true

so im like super excited for the omegasquads, the angelblade blade and demonblade, and the star guardians. like these are all amazing skins. mid and late season is going to be good.
urgot sounds so sick tooooooooo
« Last Edit: April 28, 2017, 06:34:31 AM by Donnies Catch »

are you really support if you're getting > doublekills and top damage on your team

it sounds to me you're playing support like a midlaner would plane annie as support, aka not as support but as second midlane

which is okay as long as the enemy doesnt have good utility or extremely tanky to counter the extra damage but lower cc/utility

are you really support if you're getting > doublekills and top damage on your team

it sounds to me you're playing support like a midlaner would plane annie as support, aka not as support but as second midlane

which is okay as long as the enemy doesnt have good utility or extremely tanky to counter the extra damage but lower cc/utility

the way im getting top damage is probably because of my AP meeps in teamfights that have that little AOE that do a lot of damage if you get gunblade.
ive also played a lot of APs as support, but since Bard has his heal, his E, his ult, and his Q stun, and his meep slows, he still gives a LOT of utility to peel for his ADC.

im not playing bard like a second mid or adc, im always still playing support, but i can punish over extending a lot harder with this build, it fits perfectly with how aggressively i play early, too, and getting hextech revolver + meeps + Q stun + thunderlord proc on a ADC at like 10-15 minutes is REALLY nice. the same goes for seeing your meep's AOE hit for 10% on everyone that it lands on, and since bard's meeps got buffed, imagine a AP bard throwing like 5 of those in a teamfight. sure a tank wont care, but rapid fire cannon allows you to hit a bit closer to the backline if you really position well.

people are also easy to follow your tunnel because they dont look at your build and you can just delete them when they come out.

i have to admit though im not planning on doing this in higher elo. because ive had games where i am absolutely useless when specific midlaners are fed and aware im squishy as heck
« Last Edit: April 28, 2017, 08:24:55 AM by Donnies Catch »

Thank you all very much for the in-depth advice! I honestly wasn't expecting to get much of a response lol
I haven't been able to play much because of school and life busyness, but once I have come time I'll try out your suggestions.

What champion would you recommend for the very first one I buy?
I used to play Dota 2 a bit (a little over 230 hours on record), and I tended to stick with the support heros, so I was thinking I'd start on the same route in LoL. At the moment, I have enough IP to get the 450 champs, but I've been holding off on getting one in case you guys suggested I get something more expensive.

How would you guys suggest I go about familiarizing myself with all the different items and item builds? Most of the champions aren't too hard for me to grasp and I can get a vague idea how they would be played pretty quick, but I'm totally lost on item builds atm.

it's probably best to dabble in a little bit of a couple things so you always have some other role to play just in case someone takes it from you in blind pick(or you get autofilled in draft later).

I would say Garen(top lane) or Soraka(support), the former being a raid boss later on if built correctly due to raw tank stats and damage reduction and the latter being a good support to learn. Soraka is fairly straightforward other than a couple of key things about her having a global heal ult and not falling into the trap of having 1% hp(because her heals take away from her own health, which she gets back from her q on enemy champs). She's more passive though, kind of lets the adc do most of the work and is there to save them via massive healing.

I feel like it would be best if you went for some of the 450s and 1350s that you want before saving up since the next tier is 3150 and that's a lot. Unless there's a champion you found that you really want at that tier of IP.

Speaking of which, what kind of supports did you main in Dota2? I played for a decently long time and I could probably point you to something similar to what you liked to play.

Builds are kind of iffy. Rule of thumb is to never fall into the trap of building the same set of items every game since they're all different, but supports tend to get a free pass most of the time due to the active items they get being extremely powerful. Other thing I want to mention is that the recommended build isn't law, but I see so many people blindly follow it when there's items that could be more useful for that champ.

For items, I would suggest the practice tool just to mess around with stuff or at least get to read all of it. I use mobafire for my guide reading which has some pretty in-depth stuff about the game, but the item builds are at the top of each guide, since reading the whole thing gets tiring. Though I'm sure others have suggestions for other sites which I forget the names of.

I mostly played Venomancer, although I did fiddle with other supports here and there. For carry's I generally went with Spectre, although I was pretty mediocre with her. I mainly liked Veno for the situational awareness that the plague wards offered, and having the strong slow from his Q was pretty nice for messing with people early game.

I looked up Garen and Soraka on the LoL site and they look pretty solid, so I'll probably get them soon unless you have other suggestions for the support.

And I will absolutely be checking out mobafire, thanks for pointing me to it

The best tip you'll ever get:

You will not learn anything outside of basic controls and terminology before you hit level 30.
The entire game is balanced around being level 30, especially the matchmaking.

You learn even less by playing vs bots.

I don't want to recommend the super high expensive ones as if you should go for them without question, but maybe you could set it as a goal, or check them out when they hit the free rotation, something like that.

Zyra is probably the closest to Venomancer(and is a support). Uses a seed mechanic then other abilities to make them sprout and attack enemies. Only really builds a couple support items(if even) before going full damage, but she's extremely effective early game if the enemy doesn't respect the roots. I want to mention that supports get to build a sightstone which is basically a 3+ ward bank that refreshes every time you back. So between sightstone and her plants(which give vision for a brief moment if you press w somewhere, or when the plants are sprouted), it's pretty nice to have as an anti-facecheck.

I'm gonna throw Nocturne out there, he's probably as close as one could get to Spectre. Isn't the tanky type but has the shadow dagger path with his own q and the playstyle of dive in and murder with his ult from downtown. He's a jungler though so I'd wait on him, but you could still check him out on a guide or two.