Author Topic: Bible Prophecy Overview  (Read 20376 times)

God spells out to Noah the dimensions of the ark: 300 cubits by 50 by 30. Using the longer "Egyptian royal cubit" of 529mm, this works out at 158.7m long by 26.45m wide by 15.87m high (520 feet 8 inches long by 86 feet 9.3 inches wide by 52 feet 0.8 inches high)

I'd say it's a pretty good size.

okay now take the average size of every animal and give them a little bit of room around them, say 15 inches to be nice and conserve space, and lets see how many you can fit in there

Yes you can

I just established my point as to why you can't just define whatever you want and expect it to hold water in an argument. Unless you can convince me otherwise, I'm going to say you're wrong on this one.

okay now take the average size of every animal and give them a little bit of room around them, say 15 inches to be nice and conserve space, and lets see how many you can fit in there
Now your just being too nice

I just established my point as to why you can't just define whatever you want and expect it to hold water in an argument. Unless you can convince me otherwise, I'm going to say you're wrong on this one.
Boats float in water, is that a start? You could fill a bucket up with some water if it would further convince you

Now your just being too nice

you gonna show me that the animals can fit or what

take it down to 8 inches around if you want

at 8 inches we're doing some loving animal cruelty

Vague guesses such as Damascus, one of the most populated cities from the beginning of history, becoming completely desolate from war? Yeah, that's just an odd coincidence...
Every city will fall eventually
It happened to take that one ~2000 years after the guess

God spells out to Noah the dimensions of the ark: 300 cubits by 50 by 30. Using the longer "Egyptian royal cubit" of 529mm, this works out at 158.7m long by 26.45m wide by 15.87m high (520 feet 8 inches long by 86 feet 9.3 inches wide by 52 feet 0.8 inches high)

stolen from google :)

I'd say it's a pretty good size.
Yes you can
This boat is way larger than that. Now, imagine 2 of every animal in the world on it.

Boats float in water, is that a start? You could fill a bucket up with some water if it would further convince you

This is a perfect example of your flawed reasoning. I don't necessarily agree with one of your statements so that must mean I shall disagree with all of your statements. You're wrong about what I quoted you on, genius.

No, you imagine it, I've already got this stuff down m8
6.5 million species

No, you imagine it, I've already got this stuff down m8
Now you're just talking dumb, also keep in mind that the weight of every animal (plus food for them to survive the whole time on the boat) would likely sink/break the ship in two

How can some entity expect us to believe it without showing us itself? I believe a lot of this is purely coincidence and nitpicking similar things. Until I see otherwise proof that's what I believe.
You believe in gravity yet you can't directly see it either. We can look at its effects to know it exists. Same thing with the existence of God; we can look at his effects (such as the existence of the universe itself) to know he exists.

6.5 million species
you should watch the ken ham-bill nye debate that happened several years back, ken ham addresses the issue of the ark very well towards the end when it relates to the number of animals that would be on it.

even if you magically fit two of every species of animal in the world on any boat, much less one the size of noah's ark, they wouldn't survive after the flood. first of all, many of them live in colonies (e.g. ants), and couldn't survive if there were only two. most of the rest of the animals would be eaten or starve after they were removed from the boat. plus there's the ridiculous amount of food you'd need to carry to feed all of those animals for 40 days
the world was never really flooded like that

also, that kind of flood would certainly disturb sealife, so many sea animals would probably have died out as well

truly amazing posts, goth

You believe in gravity yet you can't directly see it either. We can look at its effects to know it exists. Same thing with the existence of God; we can look at his effects (such as the existence of the universe itself) to know he exists.
