Author Topic: We get it, I want to kill children in videogames.  (Read 17977 times)

Can =/= Should
Killing children in a video game can be seen as incredibly forgeted up when you think about it
it's pretty forgeted up to kill anyone
it's pretty weird that killing children is taboo but killing adults isn't

it's pretty forgeted up to kill anyone
it's pretty weird that killing children is taboo but killing adults isn't

Remember guys. Path, Blockchip and Moltenkittens want to kill humans in a videogame.

Where has their morals went to?!

Since the 90s you could kill plenty of children no problem.

Even the original Fallout 1 and 2 lets you kill children.

Since the 90s you could kill plenty of children no problem.

Even the original Fallout 1 and 2 lets you kill children.
"Only 90s kids appreciate killing children"

there is literally a rape mod addon for this game and tony's getting stuff for killing people in a game?
Dont forget about the handful of RP servers about school shootings.

there is literally a rape mod addon for this game and tony's getting stuff for killing people in a game?
Actually Tony is being trolled and they found one of his sore spots.

"Only 90s kids appreciate killing children"
What is with people constantly misinterpreting what Tony says and making bogus quotes?  Stop it lol

Actually Tony is being trolled and they found one of his sore spots.
I don't think Path, Molten, and Blockchip are trolling.  Others definitely though.

The children in video games are just lines of chemical reactions code. I don't really see why somebody would have a gripe for what anyone would be doing in a game unless you weren't old enough or you're getting attacked by an SJW.

The original fallouts didn't have as much commercial success as something like fallout 3 and up, so of course they weren't too concerned about their audiences. However, the new fallouts are targeting a large demographic and need to omit child death in order to avoid people getting all over their ass.

Also just because the children are mere lines of code doesn't mean they don't resemble real children. The point is that simulated child anything is almost as bad as real child anything since you're essentially killing something that resembles a real child. When you play a game like fallout, the children don't look like walking lines of code; They look like real children.

Another thing: You say child murder is perfectly fine in a video game since they aren't real. So are you also saying that child love could be perfectly fine in a video game since they aren't real either? You really have no moral compass in video games so it sounds like you wouldn't mind doing such a thing. How about child torture? I mean, they're just lines of code, right?

So is it ok to look at child research in games? After all it is just lines of code

From a business standpoint putting killable children in a game is a horrible idea. The rating wilp get bumped up to AO and the sales will be around 30% of who would have bought it if it was M. Small games like Hatred can get away with AO because their budget is small but Fallout has too high a budget to lose all those potential sales.

From a moral standpoint video games are supposed to be a fantasy world for doing what you want to do but are impossible. Wanting to kill children is pretty forgeted up.

So is it ok to look at child research in games? After all it is just lines of code

what the forget kind of comparison is this???

what the forget kind of comparison is this???
A horribly thought out one with lack of an edit button

i want to kill myself in videogames