Author Topic: i sorta saved a dude's life last night  (Read 20197 times)

Could someone TL;DR me on what's going on?

why don't you read through the thread instead of just reading somebody's one likely biased sentence? people who ask for tl;dr's on debate usually have no clue what the debate is actually about - read the rest of the thread.

edit: just saw insert's post - sorry INH, this post wasn't aimed at you.

Could someone TL;DR me on what's going on?
das: u can kys if u want lol. nothing matters. Self Delete is solution
everyone else: no

You complained when I "dismissed" your stuff so I went and answered ALL of it just to be nice and for this to be equal. What do I get? Oh, MORE DISMISSIVENESS. How about I completely loving ignore all your points? After all what good is it to respond to them, when all I get is dismissive half-assed posts and assumptions. forget you Das, if you're going to argue, actually make an attempt instead of pulling this stuff.
You're wrong.
you get more dismissiveness because what you posted had nothing to do with me and was pretty much an anecdotal Self Delete self-help guide
i wanted nothing to do with it and had nothing to argue against it because it wasn't an argument
it was irrelevant
also >calling my posts half-assed again
i could type here all day and you would still call it half-assed
let's refer back to the first part of my post
you know what's irritating as hell? you blowing your loving top over any minute issue ever. any time there's any discussion or drama you go into full handicap mode and from 0 to nuclear.

If you were my friend, I'd already be dead due to your mindset you're having with the guy in the OP. You claim you're not selfish, but all you care about is yourself and your own well-being. You keep saying you'll make your life a paradise and all this stuff, while talking down on the guy and the very thought of people not killing themselves, you're in favor of it, while you're not in favor of yourself doing the same thing.
i don't ever want to be friends with someone like you. i am not obligated to care about other people. i don't give a forget about most people because their business is usually none of mine. if they don't care about me why should i care about them. (dont take this as some waahh waahhh nobody cares about me type stuff really)
i don't recall talking down on anyone. i'm in favor of what??? not killing myself? why would i be in favor of killing myself. why would i want to do that? really?

I do not know where you got your loving inhuman twisted mindset of yours, but if you keep it up, it will not help you anywhere in life if you just care about nobody but yourself, and I really hope you come to realize it. I know you're a good guy and can be one, but if you want to actually be successful and have a good life, you cannot just put yourself in front of everyone and survive off of other people's downfalls.
why do you think this? my mindset relies on me making the most out of my life and NOT loving over other people because they have their own plans too
you're assuming again that i will fail or some stuff and can't be good or anything go forget yourself. my current life plan is to become an entrepreneur and CREATE stuff for other people to buy

please do not loving complain about me not addressing issues in here because half of that post was just a loving story honestly there's no argument there and i don't want to take time to attempt to prove a story wrong or right

You could've just waited and typed in real time instead of coming back into the thread to brag about it tbh
i'm not bragging because either way i'd get a response like this from you
if i didn't respond to it you be all like "where's my response das huh huh i thought you were leaving" or some stupid stuff like that

you keep asking me to explain how i'm not selfish but i have not seen one single time where you explain how i am selfish. you've just said that i am and that's that. where's my explanation?

i am really sick of you

mczealot only dislikes me because im a minority and lgbt people hate minorities

i cant tell if your posts (which is a very big red flag) in this topic is a prank or not dude
it's really insulting to say that i'm loving suicidal based on my mindset that nothing matters

when u realize tony had this exact same argument lol

when u realize tony had this exact same argument lol
i really don't want to be compared to lord tony
it's just the same image because it's relevant

here's a huge difference between lord tony and i:
he believes nothing matters because he doesn't care about people
i don't care about people because nothing really matters

it may seem similar but they are bred from different paths
« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 03:09:40 PM by Daswiruch »

If you Sudoku you automatically forfeit your one oppurtunity to convince children on a Burmese carpet weaving forum reasons why they should commit Self Delete.

my whole point is that Self Delete is never the correct answer and i don't care if you believe someone should have the right to kill theirself. it still isn't. as i said, the only exception is when someone is literally dying in agony. there is no point in letting someone waste their life when they have the option to turn it around.

you get more dismissiveness because what you posted had nothing to do with me and was pretty much an anecdotal Self Delete self-help guide
i wanted nothing to do with it and had nothing to argue against it because it wasn't an argument
it was irrelevant
also >calling my posts half-assed again
i could type here all day and you would still call it half-assed
let's refer back to the first part of my post
What in the absolute forget is up with you? Back two pages ago you claimed I was being dismissive so I went back and responded to every question you threw at me. EXACTLY HOW do I deserve more of it from you? You're acting extremely entitled and you are not even considering my points, you keep blowing them off in favor of yourself and your personal bias against me. I dislike you a lot but at least I have enough respect to respond to as many points as I can instead of calling them "assumptions lel" "u wer dismissive so that means I can be it 2!!!" just to get out of it. Get off your high-horse already.

you know what's irritating as hell? you blowing your loving top over any minute issue ever. any time there's any discussion or drama you go into full handicap mode and from 0 to nuclear.
I think you know what may be causing this. I try to voice my opinion in a calm manner or at least try to, then you along with other stuff-faces jump all over my ass for doing something everyone else is doing. Remember this?
TBH I've started to dislike Seventh recently, mainly because he's becoming very argumentive

he's still a fine dude when he isn't being like that tho
I try to voice my opinion in a calm manner with respect, what do you do? You jump to accusations due to your own personal bias, and you know that they are not the truth.
nah you dislike him because he's defending jitank's arguments, not because he's become argumentative
"he disagrees with me"

At least you forgeted off when I told you to, so props to that.

i don't ever want to be friends with someone like you. i am not obligated to care about other people. i don't give a forget about most people because their business is usually none of mine. if they don't care about me why should i care about them. (dont take this as some waahh waahhh nobody cares about me type stuff really)
i don't recall talking down on anyone. i'm in favor of what??? not killing myself? why would i be in favor of killing myself. why would i want to do that? really?
I never said you wanted to, I was making an example. I know you're not obligated to care for other people but do you know just how damn selfish it makes you look to others? You actively saying you care about no one but yourself and you're going to make your own life amazing just makes you look very pretentious and selfish.

Oh and here is you talking down on people in favor of letting them killing themselves. Don't twist my words.
but can this man's life really be saved? he was already half-dead by the time hodot and his friend stumbled upon him and was pretty ready to end it

i would've allowed this dude to go through with it.

we're all just thoughts inside a hunk of meat anyways
they will mourn, blame the mother, or possibly follow suit as he did if his family really cared about him it wouldn't have been a "rough divorce" as he so described thanks
i'm implying that his extended family doesn't care and you're implying that they do
You implying nobody cares about him in this

Here's you being selfish and un-thoughtful by saying Self Delete is an option to everything
Self Delete is a true solution to a lot of problems
it stops all your (hint hint not problems other people share/have with you) problems and you never have to worry or think about them again
because you can't
you won't feel any relief nor suffering because you, yourself won't exist anymore and thus don't need to
Along with much much more.

why do you think this? my mindset relies on me making the most out of my life and NOT loving over other people because they have their own plans too
you're assuming again that i will fail or some stuff and can't be good or anything go forget yourself. my current life plan is to become an entrepreneur and CREATE stuff for other people to buy
That's great you have plans for what you want to do in your future, but again, having a selfish mindset will make that very hard to achieve. I'm not saying you will fail, I'm saying it will be difficult.

please do not loving complain about me not addressing issues in here because half of that post was just a loving story honestly there's no argument there and i don't want to take time to attempt to prove a story wrong or right
Oh so you can complain about me and my posts being "dismissive" yet I can't? Haha good one. Get your head out of your ass already.

i'm not bragging because either way i'd get a response like this from you
if i didn't respond to it you be all like "where's my response das huh huh i thought you were leaving" or some stupid stuff like that
Not even close, you only really think that because of your personal bias against me. In reality I would've waited patiently for the response and if it didn't come through, I'd drop it.
you keep asking me to explain how i'm not selfish but i have not seen one single time where you explain how i am selfish. you've just said that i am and that's that. where's my explanation?
Look up in this post and the last 2 posts. You would've saw it if you actually read it instead of blowing off entire points because of "assumptions!!!!!!!"

i am really sick of you
Oh no, you really got me here, I might as well drop out

i really don't want to be compared to lord tony
it's just the same image because it's relevant
If you don't want to be compared to him then don't act like him. It's as simple as that.

he believes nothing matters because he doesn't care about people
nothing really matters because i don't care about people
You say it's different but if you literally swap the two around, like I did here to show you. It's the exact same

Just because the words are moved around, it doesn't mean there are entirely different meanings
« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 03:25:14 PM by Insert Name Here² »

my whole point is that Self Delete is never the correct answer and i don't care if you believe someone should have the right to kill theirself. it still isn't. as i said, the only exception is when someone is literally dying in agony. there is no point in letting someone waste their life when they have the option to turn it around.
i entirely agree with this. sure, peoples lives can be in shambles or near a breaking point, but I believe you only get one life so use it while you have it. the only exception for assisted/non-assisted Self Delete is in the event of an illness or a life-altering disability that won't let you function anymore. a mass cause of Self Delete is depression which I can understand. people who kill themselves from depression arent "taking the easy way out" or being selfish. depression is an illness affecting the brain that makes you think in ways that you normally wouldnt. i've helped several people going through depression and possibly even saved a few lives. the person suffering from depression isn't the person you're talking to, it's the depression itself. there are ways to fix it and it's horrible when the depression overcomes them and ultimately results in self-harm or Self Delete. i've lost friends from Self Delete and it's awful because it's not really them who wants to end it, it's the depression controlling them.

it's really insulting to say that i'm loving suicidal based on my mindset that nothing matters

Every post you make strays further from your original post so let me remind you what you originally said
but can this man's life really be saved? he was already half-dead by the time hodot and his friend stumbled upon him and was pretty ready to end it
i would've allowed this dude to go through with it. i don't think he could handle the extreme pressure and sorrow that was upon him at the time and a short lifetime is much better than a lifetime of suffering especially since life doesn't really matter and we're all just thoughts inside a hunk of meat anyways

You were personally advocating for the choice of letting a confused, sick and helpless man die on the side of a road because of ~m-muh half assed nihilism memes~!

It's easy to get the assumption that you yourself have emotional issues considering how you've been parading how little value you supposedly have for life. You know, since you're the one who's also been making crazy ass assumptions about this random dude's family life.

All in all the only people who are justified in actually being insulted are the people who were actually trying to discuss something meaningful in this topic. I don't give a forget what you said about "wanting to further the discussion", you acted like a baby about it when met with opposing ideals.

better than a lifetime of suffering especially since life doesn't really matter and we're all just thoughts inside a hunk of meat anyways
are you lord tony?

Every post you make strays further from your original post so let me remind you what you originally said
You were personally advocating for the choice of letting a confused, sick and helpless man die on the side of a road because of ~m-muh half assed nihilism memes~!
every post strays further from the original post because the discussion and opinions change over time
i'm not gonna go back to the original post and edit it to stay on track with the current discussion that's happening pages later
also what is with you two and the phrase "half-assed?" i put what i thought was enough work (as much as it takes to make a forum post at least)
also i don't recall spouting out any nihilism memes in the first place. i was just stating what caused me to come to these conclusions

It's easy to get the assumption that you yourself have emotional issues considering how you've been parading how little value you supposedly have for life. You know, since you're the one who's also been making crazy ass assumptions about this random dude's family life.
back to the image. i'm not some kind of emo-cut-myself crywhore who wants to die
i've stated multiple times that i have accepted that an end will come eventually and nothing will matter. it's as simple as that. i don't want to die or anything, i just recognize that nothing really matters and i could die tomorrow and have nothing matter so may as well live my life the way i always wanted to. i'm not sure how living = dying in this equation

we have no information to support either argument so agree to disagree
here is me saying that the assumptions of this man's life are irrelevant because we have no information
you should really be talking to inh about this because he's assumed quite a lot about this man's life in the time that we've argued

All in all the only people who are justified in actually being insulted are the people who were actually trying to discuss something meaningful in this topic. I don't give a forget what you said about "wanting to further the discussion", you acted like a baby about it when met with opposing ideals.
i don't believe i ever "acted like a baby"
i kept a calm demeanor and just stated my thoughts until i was pushed over the edge
also what does "acting like a baby" denote, exactly?

are you lord tony?
please don't do this. you know it pisses me off to be compared to this starfish
the only thing i share in common with lord tony is argumentative tendencies and nihilism
i really don't want to be associated with this clown because of my beliefs

j now know the only way you'll even begin to consider my argument is if i keep a calm demeanor or else it'll all go down the stuffter

I like how you just flat out ignored the post I made, even though I answered many of your questions you asked. Are you going to accuse me of dismissing you again, even though you just did it yourself?

Address it. I gave you full attention, now you give mine full attention. Like you said, you give what you receive.