Author Topic: GreenBH - Total idiot, big ego cunt  (Read 39223 times)

or pretending to be a woman

Seems accurate, but don´t kinkshame, it´s rude.
there is nothing wrong with calling someone gross or stupid for being loveually into something gross/weird/disturbing. take pie crust for example!

I'm not really sure why you're trying to hit home so hard with this, sure it's weird but the stuff was seven years ago and he was young. It's like making fun of someone for stuffting their diaper as a baby.
As I said a few pages back:
Not that I intend to defend him here. I was going to for a while, because it seemed like he was treating this thread with the respect it deserved, and it seemed like an improvement over how he was back then. But then he jumped into the "total biscuit is now dead" thread, bringing up TotalBiscuit's infamous "get cancer and die" remark from 2009, with stuff like:
karma is a bitch.
he told people to get cancer and die, and he got cancer and died. it's funny, come on.

Evidently GreenBH is okay with making fun of people over dumb regrettable stuff they did nearly a decade ago. And "dumb regrettable stuff they did nearly a decade ago" is basically his whole identity here, so I'd say ridiculing him for his underaged coat special interest is fair game.

Totally different person/account, no results on BLID check.

Oh, would you look at that! A ton of different names...

Although I can not find any results for the BLID on GreenBH^3's profile, so who knows.

gave my key to some guy after I left, don't regret it. he comes back on every so often. he said he would "continue my reputation" or something. never did, or at least I never saw him try.

Oh, would you look at that! A ton of different names...
yeah, because my steam copy used to be my little brother's before he got his own steam account.

ITS loving MICHEAL P!!!! HOLY stuff

gave my key to some guy after I left, don't regret it. he comes back on every so often. he said he would "continue my reputation" or something. never did, or at least I never saw him try.
yeah, because my steam copy used to be my little brother's before he got his own steam account.
u can get revoked for key sharing

u can get revoked for key sharing
is it considered sharing if he doesn't use it

u can get revoked for key sharing

I guess I messed up then

but I don't use it anymore either
or know it

so would that fall under that anyways?

I guess I messed up then

but I don't use it anymore either
or know it

so would that fall under that anyways?
idk how it works but i think if you don't use the key anymore its ok

you were sparky 78, the dude that frequented family and town rps? lol