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Topics - goz3rr

Pages: [1] 2 3
Off Topic / How long has your PC been running?
« on: June 11, 2010, 01:51:45 AM »
SpeedFan says mine's at 36:56:33

Off Topic / Why can't you shoot down the Hind at the end of CoD4?
« on: June 10, 2010, 04:51:22 PM »
I personally think because Chuck Norris is flying it..

Off Topic / 1337 as date for quote?
« on: May 27, 2010, 03:32:38 PM »
When you put 1337 as the date in a quote:

December 31, 1969, 06:22:17 PM ?

I'm guessing Chuch Norris reincarnated that day?

Modification Help / Customizable gun system
« on: May 26, 2010, 08:58:12 AM »
So, I've started working on this idea, It basically features a base model for a gun, Which you can add parts to using a GUI!
Think of scopes, barrels, stocks and silencers, all effecting the guns performance.

I've started working out the Mp5 base model, Which will soon will be done.

For example: Adding a stock will lower the recoil, A silencer is obvious, barrels increase damage, And when you add a sight, You can use the sight (Duh).

What do you guys think?

Drama / Curse - GTFO, Trolling the code forums D:
« on: May 18, 2010, 09:19:34 AM »
So this guy, curse
Posted this on several threads:

ohhh, yeah i know just the solution, try this
Code: [Select]
dont thank me, i just do what i can, when i can!

hi, i was in your same shoes once, but i learned this handy little console command. just type this and you should have your desired results!


here is an alternative, but i prefer the first

for(%i=1; %i>0; %i++){}

good luck my friend, in your journy through torque script.

here, ill give you a little secret, with this code, you can become the best, with hard work ofcourse  :cookieMonster:

Code: [Select]
that will be all

with this code, you can do anything.... so here it is my good friend

Code: [Select]
and here is another, which is just as good!

Code: [Select]
for(%i=1; %i>0; %i++){}


And someone replied to the last quote:
You're gonna get drama'd real soon by someone.

Well, there you go.


Modification Help / Need inspiration for my new vehicle
« on: May 13, 2010, 10:32:42 AM »
So i've started making a vehicle, But kinda ran out of inspiration.
Maybe you guys have some epic suggestions?

Should it have tires, Or tracks? Or maybe even hover? :3

Off Topic / Another plane crash
« on: May 12, 2010, 07:12:08 AM »
08:00 CET this morning another plane crashed, Killing 92 Passengers and 11 crewmembers.
I'm from the netherlands myself, 61 Dutch victims. The only survivor is an dutch child..
It probably lost its parents..

Modification Help / Check if player is host?
« on: May 08, 2010, 04:08:05 PM »
How would i check if a player is the host?
I'm guessing you compare the blid of the player to the one of the server host..
Anyone knows how?

Modification Help / The lovetender!
« on: May 07, 2010, 09:57:49 AM »
So this is an addon i'm making.
The name means ScriptExtender, And it allows you to create and run scripts ingame!

The GUI is done atm, And i just started the script.

For the addon to work, Both server and client will need it.
Including RTB prefs to control who can execute scripts, Uploading scripts and more.

Basically, This is just notepad that uploads scripts to the server and executes them.

Modification Help / Multiline textboxes?
« on: May 07, 2010, 07:04:18 AM »
How can i create multiline textboxes with the GUI editor?

Modification Help / Vehicle model crashes game?
« on: May 05, 2010, 03:51:24 PM »
When i spawn my model using the mission editor it works fine, When i extract the jeep and replace it with my model the game crashes when spawned? (I don't have the default jeep enabled then)

Modification Help / JVS Collision
« on: May 04, 2010, 03:22:16 AM »
Is there a way so when a door opens, Certain parts keep their collision?

« on: April 25, 2010, 10:59:54 AM »
I just updated my xfire, and when i started blockland, i suddenly saw fps and time :3
They have finally added it :D


Mapping Help / Using the Mission Editor
« on: April 25, 2010, 09:40:00 AM »

I will NOT teach you how to install the Mission Editor, There are plenty of tutorials around, And we have this magic thing called "Search". If you can't figure this out, You shouldn't be using the mission editor anyway.

This one has a bit more content than heedicalking's and is merged with Squarehead's

The basics.
I would recommend you to use the flatlands map, Available here
Camera Controls:
WSAD for normal movement, Right click and drag to look around.
F8 and F7 won't work, You will need to use Alt+Q = F8 and Alt+W = F7.

Brushes and sizes:
Click the Window tab > Terrain Editor > Brushes. You can select shape and size here. Hard has sharp edges, soft is a bit blurry.

Still in the terrain editor, Go to action > Adjust height and select your brush and size.
Always do Action > Smooth and smooth spikes, This makes your map look better.
There are more options here, All pretty self explaining.

Select the Terrain Texture Painter, 6 Slots should appear to you right, one being in use. (If you're using flatlands)
To add more textures, Click and and select a texture. Only use default textures, Or textures you add to your map's zip later, Ignoring this will give errors to people who don't have the textures. (More explained later)
Now you can just paint on your terrain! Make sure you are using a hard brush, Soft brushes will not paint the entire size and just fade out a bit. (Can be useful)

Advanced use of the editor.

Go to Window > World Editor Inspector. Click the "+" Sign and click the waterblock tab.
If you are on Flatlands change the scale to be 2046 2046 100 and click apply, your water should be flying in the air.
You can drag the blue line (Z-axis) To lower the water into place.
You won't sink down in this water. If you want to, change the scale to 2046 2046 1, click apply again and you will.

Still in the World Editor Inspector, There's also an item called Skybox, Select it.
You can change things like Fog and Skybox texture here.
To change the skybox texture, Minimize blockland, and go to: Blockland\base\data\skies
Choose one and open blockland again, Click the media tab and change Sky_Blue2 to the name of the skybox you just chose and click apply.

Click misc and some options for the sun will appear, If you want your map to be dark, change the color to 0.100000 0.100000 0.100000 1.000000 then change ambient to all 0 except for the last one which is 1.00000. Hit Apply, you should be Darker now, in addition you can change it back to 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 and 0.55 0.55 0.55 1.0, There is also two other things. Azimuth and Elevation, change the numbers and the Lighting moves around you.

I won't teach you to make a Interior but I will tell you how to add one to your map.
Go to window > World Editor Creator. For Foliage go under Static Shapes, then base, then data then Foliage, You will have some trees. Find one in Blue Lettering and click it once. You can drag it around using the axises.
For interiors go to interiors then base then data and then interiors again. Click one with a blue name once, But, Oh no! Its black! You can fix this by pressing Alt+L, this will relight the mission and after a few seconds its done!

Finishing your map.
Go to Window > mission editor inspector and expand missiongroup - simgroup.
Select missioninfo- scriptObject. Leave class and superclass alone but change the name to whatever your map's name it going to be. Savename is the name when you save bricks. Click apply and then File > Save As, Target folder Addons and save as yourmapname.mis
Then go into your addons folder and find yourmapname.mis and yourmapname.ter and copy those to a folder named Map_yourmapname. Also place your custom textures in this folder (In PNG format). Open up notepad, and enter this:
Code: [Select]
Title: Yourmapnamehere
Author: Your name
Description: General map description.
And save as yourmapname.txt

Add all this to an zip:
Code: [Select]
GOOD: > yourmapname.mis
BAD: > map_yourmapname/yourmapname.mis
Put it in addon folder, Load the map and open the mission editor again.
You can now paint your custom textures.
Finish up your map and make a screenshot, Edit it in any software to 800x600 pixels. then save it as yourmapname.png and also put in in the zip.

Your zip should now contain
  • Yourmapname.mis
  • Yourmapname.ter
  • Yourmapname.png
  • Yourmapname.txt
And maybe your custom textures.

This concludes my tutorial, Credits to me, heedicalking and squarehead, because i took parts of their tutorials and made a more complete one.

Modification Help / [RESOURCE] Big List of tutorials.
« on: April 22, 2010, 02:25:14 AM »
It found it too hard, that there are too much tutorials scattered around the forums, That are very good, But didn't get stickied. So i'll list all here:
Deathwishez made epic table :3
Blastdown put in alphabetical order.

Adding hands to guns with blender (Might be confusing)  by   FOX TAIL
Adding two hands to a model with milkshapebyNEkram
Animating your model in blenderbyThe Corporation
Animating your model in milkshapebyAzerath
BLB ReferencebySpace Guy
Blender Help ThreadbyDemian
Blockhead parts for rendering (Fixed download)byTheKhoz
Creating CI's for any weaponbyShocked
Creating content for JVS with MilkshapebyBlastdown
Creating Item IconsbyVerticalHorizon
Creating a weapon for BlocklandbyAzerath
Converting musicbyE_net4
Default Weapon, Vehicle, Tool & Player ModelsbyAwdax
Event TutorialbyDeathwishez
Exporting model for blockland with blenderbyDemian
Flatshading Models in MilkshapebyTrader
How to make hex codesbyLeetZero
How to make item icons in The GIMPbyAGlass0fMilk
How to package decalsbyWedge
Ironsights; How to addbyExtrude
KINEX's Scripting TutorialsbyKINEX
Nasoa's Guide to Mapping TechniquesbyNasoa
Making addons with BlenderbyDarkStar
Making a colorsetbytoasty bread 4
Making A GUI - OutdatedbyAGlass0fMilk
Making A GUI - Updatedbyjes00
Making MapsbySquarehead
Making Music, trimming, looping and convertingbyXerces
Making Special EffectsbyMuffinmix
Mapping TutorialbyWesley Williams
Playertypes in Milkshape 3Dbycciamlazy
Smoothshading and smoothgroups in BlenderbyDemian
Text editorsbyFFSO
Torque Scripting TutorialbyThe Corporation
Using map editorbyGoz3rr
Vehicle with Wings3dbyalex dude

Code snippets:

Reading/Writing/Creating filesby   FFSO

These are stickies in the code forum, but I'll just post them here too.

Efficiency in Blenderby   Heedicalking
Event System - Register Inputs/Outputs  bySpace Guy
Package/Parent Syntax TutorialbyTrader

And just some general info that can be useful:

Joint names for weapons (Thanks to Cyanian):
mountPoint- Where blocklander holds gun.
muzzlePoint- Where projectile comes out.
ejectPoint- Where the shell comes out.

Level Of Details: (Thanks to TheKhoz)
Weapons/Tools: 0
Players: 100
Vehicle: multiple of 16 (Unconfirmed?)

Joint names for vehicles
Front left tire = hub0
Front right tire = hub1
Rear left tire = hub2
Rear right tire = hub3
Driver = mount0
Passengers = mount1 etc.

Image sizes:
Thumbnails: 64x64
Print/Decal: 512x512

Template for Icons:

Installing Mission Editor
To run use the editor, run blockland.exe -mod editor
(Edit the shortcut and add "-mod editor" without quotes"
If you don't know what this means, you probably won't be able to figure out the editor anyway.
Download Spaceguy's Mission Editor addon

F10 = gui editor
F11 = mission editor

In the mission editor: Alt+Q = F8 and Alt+W = F7

Mountpoints for players and animations: (By The Russian and people who posted in his thread)
List of Bone Names:

eye - First person Camera

mount0 - Right Hand
mount1 - Left Hand
mount2 - Body
mount3 - Right Foot
mount4 - Left Foot
mount5 - Head
mount6 - Visor
mount7 - Pants

List of Sequences:

am_activate1 - Activation
am_activate2 - Flailing arms
am_armattack - Attacking with the right hand
am_armreadyboth - Both arms out (Looks like /hug)
am_armreadyleft - Left arm out
am_armreadyright - Right arm out
am_back - moving backwards
am_crouch - crouching
am_crouchback - moving backwards while crouching
am_crouchrun - moving forwars while crouching
am_crouchside - Moving from side to side while crouching
am_death - Death Animation
am_fall - Falling Animation
am_headside - Freelook
am_headup - Used when model requires neck usage; tilts the head up
am_jump - Jumping Animation
am_land - When you hit the ground hard
am_leftrecoil - Moving the left hand up
am_look - Spins the torso on the X axis; used for pitch camera adjustment
am_plant - Planting a brick
am_root - Null Thread, there is no animation
am_rotCW - Turning clockwise
am_rotCCW - Turning counter clockwise
am_run - Running
am_shiftAway - Shifting the ghostbrick away from you
am_shiftDown - Shifting the ghostbrick downwards
am_shiftLeft - Shifting the ghostbrick to the left
am_shiftRight - Shifting the ghostbrick to the right
am_shiftTo - Shifting the ghostbrick towards you
am_shiftUp - Shifting the ghostbrick upwards
am_side - Moving from side to side
am_sit - Sitting
am_spearReady - Charging the spear
am_spearThrow - Throwing the spear
am_standJump - Jumping while standing still
am_talk - Talking animation
am_undo - Hitting Ctrl+Z (The shaking head thing)
am_walk - Walking Animation
am_wrench - Wrenching Animation

There's also info at the RTB Wiki, Check it out too!

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