
How many pages will this thread have when it finally dies?

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Author Topic: Nations at War - Closing Time!  (Read 210405 times)

I think a mandatory post every day/two days should be required.  It is one thing to check in and post once but do nothing, it is another to post actively.  If every nation posted actively then we wouldn't need new nations.

I think 3 days should be the maximum you can go without posting

some of us actually have work and stuff to do

I think 3 days should be the maximum you can go without posting

some of us actually have work and stuff to do

I think 3 days should be the maximum you can go without posting

some of us actually have work and stuff to do

Erinamese investigation teams find a bunker and find Zjulev alive, but very old, but Tuevon XLI, as told by Zjulev, had died five years ago.  Zjulev is very pale, having not been outside for years, and because of this, is practically allergic to sunlight.  At 70 years old, he is brought back to Vålderesk.  E. Erinaum begins working for a better government.  The search still continues for Ivåkíe Eleít A. Premein in Eastern Erinaum.  Evidence points toward rural E. Erinaum.  Zjulev begins education on the years that he missed.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2014, 02:18:42 PM by SWAT One »

friedenjager adopts the leopard 2 as its official battle tank

It's all about them Seahawks

It's all about them Seahawks

Ivåkíe Eleít A. Premein is discovered as the widow of a wealthy noble in rural E. Erinaum.  She has children and grandchildren.  It is clear that no one knew who she was, not even her.  DNA tests confirm that she is royalty.  She and her family are brought back to Vålderesk.  She and Zjulev will rule E. Erinaum.

Ivåkíe Eleít A. Premein is discovered as the widow of a wealthy noble in rural E. Erinaum.  She has children and grandchildren.  It is clear that no one knew who she was, not even her.  DNA tests confirm that she is royalty.  She and her family are brought back to Vålderesk.  She and Zjulev will rule E. Erinaum.
Slevokxia wishes them good luck before returning back to smashing rocks together to make Leopard 2A7 and 2-140 prototypes

It's all about them Seahawks
I just want the Pats to be avenged.

Slevokxia wishes them good luck before returning back to smashing rocks together to make Leopard 2A7 and 2-140 prototypes
We use KV-60s, which are essentially T-80 equivalents.  Erinamese-built, not some borrowed make.  But that's pretty much the only conventional tank that Erinaum uses.

That is, unless UOU developed anything else, and continued developing current Erinamese projects.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 02:14:01 PM by SWAT One »

Just so I know, you got all this ok-ed with Lancelot?  He accepted E. Erinaum's independence and all of this is above the table?

The AC is sort of pleased-ish, something like it, that another monarch is on the scene, and sends a crate of wines to the monarch.  At the same time it's bummed that the UOU won't be sharing the monorail network.

Next time I do a nation RP I think weapons and stuff should be limited to existing things.

The AC is putting the finishing touches on its own uberhighpowered railgun/Halcyon Gun model which has been in the works since the Longbow was developed.

The TPSP mission to Mars has been dubbed a success.  The astronauts made it back safe, healthy, and carrying a good number of soil and rock samples.  The mission's command module landed at the TPSP moon base landing pad as scheduled and without hiccup, and the astronauts returned to Earth a week later after ensuring that they were clean of any alien who knows whats.  Upon their return to Earth they are heralded as heroes and become the talk of the TP.

Yes, UOU agreed to this.  There are two rulers of Erinaum, temporarily.  The new rulers are open to sharing its mass transit systems, and border defenses are loosened.  Zjulev and Eleít are horrified by what their father did, and by what a monster he became.

The monarchs allow the publication of the Padlock Papers.  They are released in a three-volume series.  These even include papers from Tuevon XL and his advisors, and show his dark side in vivid descriptions.  Medical records related to this event are returned, but it is made clear to the public that he was a cruel man who beat his family.

It is often seen at the Azjuko Palace gardens, Zjulev is rolled around in a wheelchair with an umbrella, while reading books to Eleít who walks beside him with her hand on the wheelchair, so as to balance herself.

The Grand Sheikh and his family are invited to a private dinner with the Ivuques of Erinaum and their families (really just Eleít's family since Zjulev was locked up for years.)

Amidst far right-wing legislators' protests, it is declared that Eleít's son will take the throne when Eleít and Zjulev die.

Btw, I will be taking E. Erinaum back, and rejoining the nation list.  I am not sure if SirLancelot7 is okay with it, but if he is, I might control a few events in W. Erinaum.  Nothing like troop movements, or national affairs though.  W. Erinaum did say that it wanted to be an independent republic, something that has been partially denied of them as of recent events.  E. Erinaum's post is on page 15.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 04:33:43 PM by SWAT One »