Game Design Megathread

Author Topic: Game Design Megathread  (Read 442536 times)

Also I know what's causing the microjittering at the bottom, just haven't fixed it yet
I'm actually interested in what's causing the microjittering at the bottom. Lack of dampening? Friction?

So, a couple weeks ago I made a really stuffty game, completely from scratch using my knowledge of C. It's terrible, but I'm actually kinda of proud how I managed to accomplish SOMETHING with my bare-bones programming code.

It's basically a "Dodge this" game, but you can also shoot as a last resort. Unfortunately, collision detection is HORRIBLE.

The reason? It's the same reason for the bottom half of the screen flashing; the command prompt prints characters sequentially, so characters at the top will stay the longest, while the ones at the bottom have the least time on screen. This setup also means that the bullet and lines can "skip over" each other. It's annoying, but a true fix would require me writing an entirely new screen refresh system.

Anyways, I had fun with it.


If you guys could give some advice, that would be great. In future, I'd like to start using classes for my enemies (I got schooled in how to make classes in C), but the whole screen refresh thing has me puzzled.
A stuffty game is better than no game at all, good job.

I'm actually interested in what's causing the microjittering at the bottom. Lack of dampening? Friction?
Possible that's there's no minimum rigidbody sleep velocity set in place.

I'm actually interested in what's causing the microjittering at the bottom. Lack of dampening? Friction?
The main loop updates at 200fps, so that's 5 ms between updates. Gravity is applied every 5ms, which accelerates each particle to some velocity. Even if it might theoretically collide with the bottom in 1ms, the full 5ms delta v is applied, and then it bounces up with a dampened upwards velocity and makes it to the same height before main loops again.

The solution I'll be implementing is a time solver for collisions, as opposed to a lower elasticity value or minimum rebound value. Both of the latter would work fine but they're workarounds, and finding the time of collision also makes for more robust collision between everything else so I might as well do it right

The main loop updates at 200fps, so that's 5 ms between updates. Gravity is applied every 5ms, which accelerates each particle to some velocity. Even if it might theoretically collide with the bottom in 1ms, the full 5ms delta v is applied, and then it bounces up with a dampened upwards velocity and makes it to the same height before main loops again.

The solution I'll be implementing is a time solver for collisions, as opposed to a lower elasticity value or minimum rebound value. Both of the latter would work fine but they're workarounds, and finding the time of collision also makes for more robust collision between everything else so I might as well do it right

I just have it apply gravity every frame at a low amount.
Also get on steam so you can teach me your ways.

I think pixel art can be easier than regular drawing since you can fine-tune details more easily since you can draw a pixel at a time rather than a brush/pen/whatever stroke at a time.

idk how to say it, likehahaican'tdothat if you draw a curve or something,you'd have to keep redrawing the curve or erase and add-on to it if you messed up. But with pixel art, you can just do it like that, and it's not much trouble at all.
Just draw a simple version of what you're trying to make, and just JPEG/strech it 100 times

A stuffty game is better than no game at all, good job.

So, I'm doing surveys right now to get statistics which I need for my major project game. It's quite disconcerting to see what some people think about video games are...

Toying around with terrain generation. I want to increase the amount of detail, but for some reason the normals forget up above a certain amount of polygons.

Well thanks to this thread I finally got off my ass yesterday and started digging my nose in game design like I always wanted to.

this will be goty 2014 obv.

I've basically spent all of yesterday learning lua and functions in love.2d. I haven't even gotten into enemy ai, animation, or sounds yet.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2014, 10:05:26 AM by Ghille »

That looks really cool man. Good job.

Unity doesn't sync physics over network, This is the worst day.

« Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 08:59:11 PM by tails »

Do not worry! It's possible but takes a ton of work!
Step 4 is the only really confusing part IMO
the rest is simpler

It seems to work ok if you relay its position to itself, Not sure how that hurts performance though.