chances are if the freekill was justified the person who committed the kill will explain and either say that the person they killed was doing something suspicious or saying that it was an accident and they're sorry
if that's the case then of course that shouldn't be ban worthy
Yeah. I've noticed that in some of your better murder mystery servers users only get banned for 'freekilling' when they've committed it enough for it to be a tangible issue. Often times I've seen in bad murder mystery servers where an admin opts to give a harsh ban to people who killed an innocent as an innocent.
I don't think the rules should be so literal in those regards. Every round is unique and there can be a million justifiable reasons why an innocent would kill an innocent.
but if you're up against someone who is incompetent and doesn't know what is going on and is blind to all of the admins telling them to read the rules or being a massive troll then most people won't want to deal with the rdm's and the ruined rounds that will follow if that user isn't removed
Yeah, this is what I mean. It's almost painfully obvious when a new user doesn't know what he/she is doing or disregarded the rules. This is usually what the 'no freekilling' rule is set for, right?
to read the rules or being a massive troll then most people won't want to deal with the rdm's and the ruined rounds that will follow if that user isn't removed
usually the bans are for people who are trolls/incompetent, with the experience that i have admining games like this i can attest that probably only like 1 out of 15 bans are unjustified which seems pretty good for a gamemode that is impossible to administrate
From what it looks like, {L} is a pain in the ass to deal with but I don't think he's purposely attempting to ruin other people's rounds on purpose. If what he says is true and he was provoked into attacking and ended up retaliating against an innocent, then I don't think what he did should be classified as rdming.
Actually, from what it looks like, you admins pretty much spoiled it for {L} by telling him the person he is attacking is innocent. Seriously, deal with this stuff
after rounds. It doesn't matter if he's knocking out an inno, you just gave him information he had no way of getting in-round.