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Topics - Mega-Bear

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Off Topic / Cats standing up like people
« on: March 28, 2014, 12:28:38 PM »

Please share similar pictures and discuss cats standing up.



Your multiship has malfunctioned, landing you and your party on a post-apocalyptic Earth filled with monsters, dinosaurs, ghosts, superheroes, giant frogs, zombies, and more! The party must now find a way out of this universe!


Non-RP actions will be decided with a D20. Mega-Bear is the Chaos Master, responsible for making sure the game progresses at an enjoyable pace for all players. His word is final on all decisions!

World Map

Locations and Populations

  • Africa: Zombies
  • Asia: Ghosts
  • Antarctica: Snow creatures
  • Australia: Dinosaurs
  • Europe: Golems
  • North America: Monsters
  • South America: Giant frogs and giant bugs

Level System

Every time a player levels up, they are able to add PTS to their skill set. These points aid in completing actions and reaching objectives.

Skills: 30 PTS

All players allocate 30 PTS to the following skills before starting. For every 4 PTS added to a skill, the player gets +1 added to related dice rolls. Each level gained gives the player an additional 4 PTS to allocate.

  • Knowledge: Science, problem solving
  • Charisma: Socializing
  • Construction: Setting traps, fortification
  • Physical Combat: Hand-to-hand battles, melee weapons
  • Ballistic Weapons: Ballistic pistols, carbines, rifles, rocket launchers
  • Energy Weapons: Energy pistols, carbines, rifles, plasma mortars
  • Paranormal: Occult, magic, necromancy

Superpowers: 20 PTS

Any superpowers marked with an +/- are exclusive, meaning only one can be chosen. For every 4 PTS allocated to a superpower, the player gets +1 added to related dice rolls. Each level gained gives the player an additional 2 PTS to allocate.

  • Speed: Quickness, reaction time
  • Strength: Lifting heavy objects, overpowering foes
  • Flight: Soaring through the air
  • Regeneration: Restoring health to you and other entities
  • +/- Telekinesis: Moving objects with your mind
  • +/- Shapeshifting: Morphing into other materials or creatures
  • +/- Elemental Manipulation: Rearranging the atomic makeup of various objects


Quote from: Clad Harrison
Clad Harrison
Lvl. 1 Human

Knowledge: 4
Charisma: 4
Construction: 4
Physical Combat: 5
Ballistic Weapons: 5
Energy Weapons: 4
Paranormal: 4


Do not request superpowers. One player will be given superpowers from the start as the result of a random dice roll. As the game progresses, other players might be presented with opportunities to acquire superpowers.

Quote from: Application
Name: [Something heroic but believable]
Species: [Pink/brown Human, red/orange/yellow Houhoulian, blue/purple Burnecid]
Description: [Hair/eye/skin color]

Skills: [Allocate PTS to skills]

Playable Species

Burnecid, Houhoulian, Human

Off Topic / Things girls do that make you go d'awww v2
« on: March 02, 2014, 06:35:44 PM »
A while back someone made a topic like this, I think it was Clone v.117 but I don't remember exactly. Seems like the kind of topic he'd make though, so let's just say it was him.

I'm bringing it back baby. Post things that girls do that make you go d'awww.

  • When they smell nice
  • When their sleeves go slightly over their hands
  • When they wear their hair in pigtails
  • When they giggle very rapidly so it sounds like speed giggling
  • When they wear hipster glasses

Okay your turn

Off Topic / Best Music of 2013?
« on: January 09, 2014, 08:45:18 PM »
Hey, 2013 is over--good riddance, "2013" is a weird number and it was a sucky year. 2014 sounds cool though. Anyway, the only thing that I liked in particular about 2013 was the music. Some great albums were released last year, but here are some of my favorite songs.

Washed Out - All I Know
Vampire Weekend - Step
Vampire Weekend - Diane Young
Bleached - Dead in Your Head

Feel free to post some of your favorites!

Gallery / [Halo] [3107 Bricks] Assault on the Control Room (Exterior)
« on: November 27, 2013, 01:16:59 PM »
Assault on the Control Room

A total of 3107 bricks, this is the product of a few days of work six months ago, then two hours of completion time today. I'm aware that I left out the suspended land bridge, it would have only furthered my want for Self Delete.

I hope you enjoy the build. I had a blast with the architecture, especially the sloping of the battlement walls. The terrain is fairly mundane but I think the canyon walls came out decently.

Built entirely by me, Mega Bear, ID 15972.





If I Had a Superweapon...

Games / Civilization 5 Megathread -- "Brave New World" Is Out!!!
« on: July 08, 2013, 10:27:26 PM »

Click the banner for the Civ 5 website.

Sid Meier's Civilization 5 is a turn-based strategy game in which the player leads an empire from prehistoric times to the future era, conquering, allying, and trading with other civs in the game. It had a single player mode as well as a multiplayer mode, both of which can be customized heavily through mods and countless game settings.

"Civilization 5: Gods and Kings" adds religions and espionage as two primary components of the game. Religion allows you to choose specific beliefs of your empire's religion, providing perks to both the founder and followers. Espionage allows you to station spies in cities to view what rival civs are doing, sway city-states, and kill enemy spies.

"Civilization 5: Brave New World" adds multiple elements to make the late game more interesting. The ideologies of Freedom, Autocracy, and Order become more relevant in how global politics play out. A world congress acts as an open forum for introducing resolutions that impact all civilizations. A new trade route system and archaeology will add more depth to how your cities work, as well as adding a revamped culture victory.

Gallery / [Mega Corp] Exotic Creature Containment
« on: June 26, 2013, 10:07:21 PM »
[Mega Corp] Exotic Creature Containment


Exotic Creature Containment is a branch of Mega Corp that deals with the capture, study, and isolation of dangerous creatures.

Behold our JPG quality on behalf of Imgur.


This is an ECC center where we contain and study exotic creatures.

Prime Agent

Here is Mega Bear, the founder and Prime Agent of not only ECC, but Mega Corp as a whole. He is decked out in a standard uniform, wielding a modern shotgun (T+T by Bushido).

Front Gate

This is the front gate, a direct shot from the garage. The gates actually work, and can be triggered from the small building to the right of the image.

Garage Exterior

This is the exterior of the garage. It has four large upward-sliding doors that the trucks can drive out of to the front gate.

Garage Interior

Inside the garage is an elevated walkway for walking in an elevated fashion. There are also oil drums, but we are also investing in renewable energy because, as you may have guessed, crude oil isn't very efficient, nor cheap, nor renewable...


This is a truck, complete with a cage in the rear.

Command Center

The command center is where we track reports of exotic creatures.


The typhoons are airborne single-person jets capable of high speeds. They are primarily used for tracking creatures.

Holding Pens

These are the holding pens where we keep creatures. They are held in by electric fences. No, I did not build the trees (Blockbase's Tree Pack). I suck at trees. Literally, though. I thirst for their unprocessed sap.

Viewing Tower

This viewing tower is what we use to keep an eye on the creatures. It is accessible by teledoor.

Not pictured are the armory (just guns on walls), storage (just crates ffs), interior of the command center and lower portion of tower (both are pretty empty), gate control room (just a room with buttons that open the gates).


Extrude - Helping me with a wall design.
Bushido - T+T weapons.
BAC 162, Fob, Tophius, Stulle - Trees in Blockbase's Tree Pack.
Mega Bear (Me) - Entire rest of build.

Off Topic / Jupiter is Visible Tonight
« on: January 21, 2013, 08:57:43 PM »

Yep, Jupiter is right next to the moon. Neil does not lie.

Off Topic / Ace Hardware Employee is Well Prepared for Zombies
« on: January 21, 2013, 01:16:20 PM »

Check out this genius's plan. I especially like the part where he explains how useful the 150,000 foot Verizon tower will be when communicating with the army.

Forum Games / Legends Mode ► Adventure Based on Dwarf Fortress
« on: January 17, 2013, 02:11:09 PM »

I'll try not to lock this one after three days.

Your name is Osime Riverfork, born in the year 45. It is currently year 67.

Your father has decided to retire as an adventurer, and is handing down his gear to you. You've received armored pants, boots, shirt, an iron sword, and his most prized posession--a sort of encyclopedia he's created through his travels called the Legends Book. It contains information on every battle, site, relic, civilization, species, and historical figure your father (and anyone he's met) has encountered.

Outside your house you see a local couple. You can explore, ask these people for a quest, or interact with them in some other way that you post. What do?

Off Topic / What Do You Want to be When You Grow Up
« on: January 08, 2013, 05:10:15 PM »
Don't make fun of my Kindergarten title pls. I want to be an evolutionary biologist.

If you've already grown up LOL have fun with your taxes oldie.

Off Topic / Does Anyone Worldbuild Here?
« on: January 07, 2013, 08:00:38 PM »
Not sure if anybody else other than myself worldbuilds. If you don't know what worldbuilding is, good for you, you probably have a great social life. If you for some reason would like to know (you don't, it consumes you), there's a subreddit for it at /r/worldbuilding as well as a Wikipedia page for it right here.

Worldbuilding is basically designing a planet and then giving it a story. You can go as in-depth as you'd like (planning climates, ecology, tectonic plates, governments, etc.) or just draw a map and tell a tale. Some people start a world when they're eight years old and forget about it the next day, but some people in the subreddit have had worlds going on in their heads for a decade or two, which takes a lot more time but can get fun I guess.

I've built two worlds so far. One is based of an old Dwarf Fortress world I had and is basically my excuse for pitting heroes against monsters for a few hundred simulated years. The other is a sci-fi world with animals and governments based on all the old stuff I've made in Spore. Fun stuff.

Forum Games / Colonial Fun Time ►►► Grid-Based Civilization Game
« on: January 02, 2013, 03:57:50 PM »

Welcome, leader! Mega Bear Labs is glad to see that we have volunteers for our new large-scale social experiment. We've engineered a small planet, named Siren, and are looking for leaders willing to take part in our test to discover the superior government type.


Now clearly, we have to regulate this operation or else everything will be total chaos! Here are the rules you must play by.

1. Cooperate. If you do not agree with my ruling or something another player does, you may voice your opinion--but do it in a civil manner. I haven't created a game like this before so I'm very open to your feedback.
2. No cheating. Do NOT try to tell me you found a million dollars and warheads on the ground or in my mom's ballsack. You will be removed from the game.
3. Stay active. If you do not take your turn and we end up having to wait five days for you, a coup will occur in your nation and a new player will be chosen to control your empire.

How to Play

Starting: Every player starts out with 50 population in their capital and $250. You allocate your population to each citizen category.

Bankers: Every banker you have will give you +$1 per turn.
Soldiers: Obtaining ten soldiers creates a soldier unit which can move around the map. Soldiers can attack from land and water. 60hp
Cyborg Soldiers: Obtaining twenty soldiers and a piece of iron allows you to build a cyborg soldier, which does more damage and has more HP. Cyborgs can only attack from land. 80hp.

Caves - Caves are essentially wild cards. If you explore one there's a small chance (1 in 20) a giant with 300hp and does 20dmg with every attack will come out and attack every soldier and city it sees. If this happens, you guys will probably need to join together to kill it. However, you might also find some people in the cave who add to your population. There's also treasure in caves, such as resources and money.

War - A soldier can do 1-10dmg and a cyborg can do 5-12dmg. By default a soldier has 60hp, a cyborg has 80hp, and a city has 170hp. Cities can attack as many adjacent soldiers as they want in a turn, but can only attack each individual soldier once. Cities do 10-15dmg.

Movement - Soldiers and settlers can move two squares per turn. Cyborgs and giants can move three squares per turn. Moving into or out of water immediately voids all movement from a unit for the rest of a turn, excluding giants.

Resources - If you found your city near resources, you can automatically assign workers to work a resource. Workers, upon working a resource, are consumed. You do not get them back. On the bright side, you get one unit of that resource which can be sold, used, or kept for the future. A resource plot can be worked as many times as you want, but each work will cost ten workers.

Logs: Ten workers.
Iron: Fifteen workers.
Coal: Twenty workers.
Uranium: Twenty-five workers.

Roleplaying: For the love of God please roleplay a little. It adds depth to the game--and let's face it, the game uses four movable units and a grid. It NEEDS depth.

Icons: Here is a list of every icon that appears in the game.





All the money in your treasury has to go somewhere, right? Of course! I'm too goddamn lazy to create a system for building things in cities, so holy guacamole, here's a shop to buy stuff with! Players are allowed to pool their money together for items.

Soldier Unit - $200
A soldier unit which can move around the map and engage in combat. If players pool their money together for this, they must decide who gets the unit.

Cyborg Unit - $220, 1 Iron, 1 Coal
A cyborg unit which can move around the map and engage in combat. If players pool their money together for this, they must decide who gets the unit.

Settler Unit - $500, 1 Log
Can found a new city, also grants 35 population in that city. If players pool their money together for this, only one player can use the settler.

20 Population - $500
Gives you 50 new citizens to allocate as bankers or soldiers in any combination of cities. If players pool their money together for this, they must decide how much population each person gets.

Spaceship - $1050, 3 Iron, 1 Uranium, 1 Coal
Load some population into it, and launch this bad boy! Two turns after being launched it lands on a new planet with the same resources as Siren, although who knows! There may be some new treasures (and dangers) there. Allows one new city for every player who contributed to this.


Sounds fun, right? Here's how you join. Each field is filled out with an example for you.

Civilization name: national socialist Germany.
Government and economy type: Capitalist national socialist dictatorship.
Government description: We love der fuhrer and die schuld der Juden. Free trade all over.
Location and name of capital city: S9, Berlin.
Bankers: 666
Soldiers: 666


Now get out there and prove to me that your government is superior!

Off Topic / Good Spacey Ambient Music
« on: December 31, 2012, 12:44:38 PM »
Lately I've been listening to a lot of ambient/atmosphere music by Brian Eno and I've come to love it. His album Apollo (Click for whole album) is one of my favorites, but I also like his music for Spore (Sporepedia, Main Menu). If anyone has similar spacey ambient stuff, I'd appreciate it if you posted it here, I'm having trouble finding some.

Off Topic / Hottest Prepubescent XXX Story Ever
« on: December 12, 2012, 03:23:43 PM »
Really hot XXX story by some kid idk but it's hot.


Or in other words, click for here for the source.

I like the part with the Sonic music and the switchblade comb.

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