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Topics - Masterlegodude

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Games / Half Life 2: Update (community made standalone mod)
« on: March 28, 2015, 07:51:41 AM »
There’s never been a better time to revisit City 17.
A completely free and extensive community-developed update for
Half-Life 2 featuring beautiful lighting, countless bug fixes, and a
brand new Community Commentary Mode.



Games / The new
« on: March 25, 2015, 02:00:37 AM » is a new repository of Garry's Mod downloads, created as a successor to and a great alternative to the Workshop for those who like customisation, visibility, and tinkering.

The site was accidentally deleted a few months ago and was a great resource for content as well as learning. With lots of commercial script sites popping up, I saw the opportunity to bring back and improve upon a classic, with no financial burdens on uploaders or downloaders. The workshop creates a hurdle for people who want to download and configure or tinker easily.

Garry has very kindly agreed to point the domain at the site, despite his feeling that a site like this is no longer required (but acknowledges that a lot of people would disagree with that)!

The site has been created to allow for free uploading and downloading of Garry’s Mod content. All files are hosted on S3 and are a one click download. I’m willing to absorb hosting costs unless it becomes unmanageable at which point I’ll look to the community for assistance on that.

Some new features include: A fresh, modern design. Downloads are grouped into types so you don’t see dupes or saves if you’re looking for models etc. There’s also the ability to follow other users to see their activity on the site. Descriptions can use BBCode to improve formatting, and can also embed YouTube videos directly. A throwback to the classic site is download buttons like the one below.

Wares/leaks/malicious/other inappropriate files are not allowed and will be removed, and there are a couple of rules regarding uploads. There are automatic warnings for any downloads containing potentially malicious files like dll’s and exes. Reporting links are in place to get inappropriate files removed. I will be looking for a few moderators to help manage the site, but please do not contact me about this, I'll look for moderators as demand requires.

PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD ALL OF YOUR ADDONS THAT YOU DID NOT CREATE YOURSELF. Give the original author's time to upload their own work, and fill in the blanks after some time has passed.

It would also be hugely beneficial to all involved if only working addons were uploaded and not old broken code.

The site is now online at, with a redirect coming soon from There will probably be a few little bugs, so feel free to either use the contact form or this thread to report them.

The visuals feel like they're a bit too big and cluttered, and apparently the site does not work well on mobile devices currently (they plan to fix that though), but this seems like a pretty good replacement no less

While i think there are people who have managed to archive quite a bit of the original site, i think it'll be quite some time before this site becomes as full of content and as popular as it once was

Gallery / [Video] Rainbow Filipe
« on: February 16, 2015, 06:50:04 AM »

For those who didn't see Vinny's video game corruption stream on Twitch yesterday, he tried out the newest and publicly available version of Ircluzar's Real-Time Corruptor, and the stream went on for about 4 hours

SNES Corruptions

Super Mario World 0:00 | Super Mario Kart 19:10 | The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 30:22 | Donkey Kong Country 50:35 (VOLUME WARNING) | Star Fox 1:13:10 | Chrono Trigger 1:17:33 (SATANIC CARNIVAL WARNING)

Nintendo 64 Corruptions

Super Mario 64 0:00 | Golden Eye 007 13:17 | Mario Kart 64 58:00 | The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 1:00:15 | Super Smash Bros 1:18:42

The Legend of Zelda Corruptions

Tomadachi Collection Corruptions


Let the madness and profuse ear bleeding ensue

Games / Transformice is now available on Steam!
« on: January 30, 2015, 12:33:56 AM »


I hope there's a manual for playing as a shaman :cookieMonster:

Games / Im null
« on: January 14, 2015, 07:42:25 AM »
Im null is a browser based game that takes place in an endless black void filled with white wireframe objects of various kinds, most of which you can just pass through and some areas and objects play a sound, so if you're lost with nothing around you but you hear something, just move toward the sound, you're bound to find something

You play as an integer and wander forever trying to discover the meaning of your empty existence, but to no avail, you only end up wandering along side other integers with the same goal

Game links

To play, use the arrow keys to move forward, backwards, look left or right and page up and page down or I and K to look up and down

You can also disable num lock to use the number pad to play with the same kind of controls, 8 up, 2 down, 4 left, 6 right, 9 page up and 3 page down

These are some of the objects you can expect to encounter in this world

This is NULL

NULL is the name of the user who created Im Null, and is also given to other devs that might play this game

The NULL can change their form, they're usually a mask, but can change into various objects in the game such as a shopping cart, a female torso, or they can be nothing

Only the NULL have the power to speak, integers are not capable of digital vocal cords

The only thing that's closest to being known about NULL is that they're name might be Zak Ayles according to the name on the top left of the game's page and that they might be a female judging by translated text from the name of the Mooosh Twitter page, '砂漠の娼婦' which translates to something along the lines of "Whore of the desert", which is quite a stretch, but there isn't much else to go on

[Vinesauce] Vinny - I'm Null (part 1)
[Vinesauce] Vinny - I'm Null (part 2)
[Vinesauce] Vinny - I'm Null (part 3)

Misc. links

A skybox from Blocklands gone by!

Suggested by Lego lad

Download - (60.09 KB)


Gaze upon your island monopoly and active volcano the way it was meant to be seen!

Sky_Sunset02 - (231.58 KB)


A peaceful area in space to build, featuring two nearby planets orbiting each other, and some gas clouds.

Created by Ace (289)

Sky_Slate_Orbital - (592.71 KB)


Rain version included, snails and mushrooms excluded

Sky_AutumnPond - (392.16 KB)


Originally by Mutantz (1073), re-done lighting by me

Sky_BunkerBeach - (210.70 KB)


Off Topic / Freeman's Mind - Seven years of thinking out loud
« on: December 31, 2014, 07:05:09 AM »
Freeman's Mind is a Machinima started in 2007 by Ross Scott that's somewhere between a Let's Play and an Abridged Series of Half-Life. It follows the rambling, eccentric and narcissistic thoughts of Silent Protagonist Gordon Freeman as he tries to survive the events of the game, showing us that perhaps it was for the better he kept his mouth shut. Imagine a one man MST3K speaking as he goes through Half-Life. Filmed in Half-Life: Source, the initial Source Engine upgrade of Half-Life.

A full playlist of all the episodes of Freeman's Mind can be found here

So after 7 years, 68 episodes and 72 videos in total, on December 31st, 2014, Freeman's adventure has finally come to an end ...and Half Life 3 is still not released


I dunno, that's up to Ross Scott to decide, but considering it's popularity and high demand, he'll probably continue onto Half Life 2, but probably not any time soon, he's probably burned out from pushing out episodes so frequently non-stop while keeping the quality for the last few weeks as to fulfill his plan of finishing the series before the end of the year

Add-Ons / Blockhead Birthday Party (UPDATE: 11/12/2014)
« on: November 09, 2014, 10:55:26 PM »

Based on the Grunt Birthday Party effect from Halo 3 and on which creates an explosion of pretty confetti when killed with a headshot followed by the sound of children cheering

This can also be spawned as a projectile or an explosion in the events system, so you can use it for other things, like making people feel good about doing even the simplest of tasks!

Download (196.67 KB)

Required add-on
Support_Hitbox (1.00 KB)

Thanks to $trinick and jes00 for helping with the script, and Port for making Support_Hitbox and the script used to implement it into stuff

Nov. 12th, 2014: Bricks no longer turn red when you shoot them
Nov. 11th, 2014: Players' heads will now pop when killed with a headshot [Preview]

Known bugs:

Disclaimer: Due to crazed worshippers, this add-on does not come with a skull

I made a series of explosions spawned with a single projectile in a similar fashion to the gore mod, but i want it to spawn only when players die via headshot

My current script that spawns the explosions when a player dies in general

Is it possible to have it work with the Support_HeadshotMod add-on since it affects all projectiles and also has a changeable value for headshot damage?

Off Topic / Leet World: 5 Years Later (FAQ video now available)
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:06:14 PM »
After the Counter Strike: Source machinima 'Leet World' ended back in 2009, Smooth Few Films has since mentioned that they most likely won't be using Counter Strike: Global Offensive to make any new video on account of it being a new engine and having to figure out how things would work out

They also mentioned that they do and they don't miss working on the Leet World due to it's "tedium" and Web Zeroes because of it being a "daily grind", while the fate of Web Zeroes is unknown (assumed to be over with, but who knows?), Smooth Few Films has returned, 5 years later (not counting the blog posts they made since then) to announce the return of...

(coming 2015)
Season 3 FAQ


Suggestions & Requests / A Typing of the Dead-esque weapon
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:02:24 PM »
For those who don't know, Typing of the Dead is a game where you shoot zombies by typing in words or phrases that appear on the screen

And i've been working on a weapon model inspired by the game, however, i'm no scripter

Is it possible to have the weapon spell out a word like 'Blockhead!' (10 damage per character) in a bottom print with each shot that hits a player, and would it also be possible to have the spelling progress change between targets? Like Target A's been hit 3 times, so that means there's only 'Blo' spelled out, while Target B has been hit 7 times which spells only out 'Blockhe'?

I think you can do some kind of 'get player health' shenanigan to see what player has what spelled out on them depending on their health, so like, 10 health means that the player has 'Blockhead' spelled out on them and the '!' would be the killing blow

Add-Ons / Lego Racers sounds and music
« on: July 09, 2014, 09:13:35 PM »
Lego Racers brick sounds
Replaces the sounds for moving, rotating, changing and planting a brick with sounds from Lego Racers, also changes the error sound, but to hear that, you'd have to enable the plant error sound in the audio options

Download - 80.82 KB

Known issues:
-The brick plant sound can't be changed in multiplayer, it only works in singleplayer

Lego Racers gui music and sounds
Adds music to the main menu and the avatar options as well as adds in a sound for hovering over the buttons in the main menu, and clicking the randomize and done in the avatar options

Download - 13.59 MB

:cookie: to Siba for helping me make some parts of the scripts as well as debug them

I know that you can replace sounds with an add-on by specifying an audio datablock that already exists and just use whatever sound file you want, but it doesn't seem to work for default sounds

To replace the synth menu sounds from Electrk's menu sounds add-on, i just put
Code: [Select]
new AudioProfile(MenuSound_Synth<NUMBER>) {
   fileName = "./lr_menuHighlight.wav";
description = AudioGui;
   preload = "1";
And it works, but trying to replace the brick sounds the same way doesn't seem to work

I've tried
Code: [Select]
new AudioProfile(LR_BrickMoveSound : BrickMoveSound) {
   fileName = "./lr_clickMove.wav";
   description = "AudioClose3d";
   preload = "1";
Code: [Select]
new AudioProfile(BrickMoveSound) {
   fileName = "./lr_clickMove.wav";
   description = "AudioClose3d";
   preload = "1";
...then i even tried renaming the file to just 'clickMove'
Code: [Select]
new AudioProfile(BrickMoveSound) {
   fileName = "./clickMove.wav";
   description = "AudioClose3d";
   preload = "1";

But none of them worked, so is there actually a way to replace the default sounds with an add-on or does it only work with non-default sounds?

Off Topic / On this day, 20 years ago...
« on: May 05, 2014, 12:13:14 AM »
(It is May 5th as of posting this)
Long ago, during May 5th of the year of 1994, a being named Jesse was born into the world and many years later, he signs up for an account on where he hastily came up with the online alias of 'Masterlegodude', over the years, he used a couple of different names for various games and sites, but due to his lack of creativity, only managed to come up with ridiculous names such as 'WingedKirby4', and now many more years later, he's still quite poor at coming up with names, that aside, as of May 5th, 2014, he has turned 20 years old and is a teen no longer

And now to celebrate his turning into a young adult, he opens up the Source Filmmaker, Photoshop and Paint.NET to
create a silly image a few days prior to his birthday, this was the final product

He exlaimed, excited, Masterlegodude decides to share his excitement with the various members of the Blockland Forums and those who watch him on DeviantArt, which brings us to here and now, a topic in the Blockland Forums' Off Topic section


Oh yeah, uh, feel free to gift me some games if you want...

Also, happy excited Mexicans day

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