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Topics - Saiytex

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / love scandal @ school today
« on: April 21, 2012, 12:48:39 AM »
SO one of our soccer coaches got arrested today because she sent nudes of herself to 3 sophomores... she was a TA in my 2nd hour, history... I can't say i'm suprised though. The entire class period consisted of her flirting with anyting with a snake even our own teacher... And he's a fat monster from hell...
She is getting charged with loveual assualt, love (something can't remember), and conspiracy to loveually interact with a kid. (note I can't remember word for word what they were)
She was annoying, short and chubby... i'm not even sure why anyone would want to see nudes of her. But she texted the photo and with the text it said "Better not get me in trouble or i'll get naughty." Now the photos are all over the internetz and it has been the talking point about it all day long... the press flooded the admin building and they had to get the police in there to get them all out... then all my friends got interviewed for a newspaper on how the knew her so well (none of them did, they just wanted the cash) and so our teacher addressed the situation when everyone kept asking where she was... he actually started tearing up... i'm thinking there was an affair going on between them... but that is another story for another day my Kiddos
News link


Off Topic / Anyway to unlock my Ipad?
« on: April 04, 2012, 08:19:04 PM »
So I have kind of forgot my password to my iPad because I havn't used it in so long and use 5000 different passwords and now I need to unlock it, it used to be when you synch'd it into a computer it would unlock but apple dis-abled that. and I don't want to restore it because I had precious stuff on that (no not really but I don't want to lose all my saves on various stuffz ect ect.) So is there anyway I can unlock it without restoring?

Off Topic / Eat Randy
« on: March 24, 2012, 03:14:22 PM »
Lol I love this song so much for some reason... it is akwardly addictive...
(Jullian Smith isn't gay, this video is a spoof of 70's music that had gay artists... he is acting for the part)

Off Topic / What does Badspot think of us, the forums?
« on: March 22, 2012, 01:29:11 AM »
I don't mean in a customer sort of way... but I mean look at us... (not singling out any specific user... just the most recent)
Girl problems
Hot chicks
Computer ed
Ah Ponies
Anime Hot chicks
The internet can think
i'm definetly a 7
Too many 3 yo's
Now I can see the 3 yo's
Anything with Lord Tony

Games... well not much to put here... but 99% of those games have their own forums.
I'll add more as I find more great,good,cool,weird,different,crazy,downright stupid topics!
And again... (because I know some1 will do this) i'm not raging on how stupid we are/immature, ect I just want to know what he thinks...


Off Topic / At&t U verse 'specail port forwarding' for minecraft servers
« on: February 11, 2012, 01:03:17 AM »
About the 5th time ive edited o/p and I have finally narrowed my problem down to 1 thing... At&t U verse makes it close to impossible (but not fully) to port forward yourself... because they want you to pay 150$ USD for 'Technical Support' Ive googled so many floggin times... and ive yet to get anything but I know that it can be done. Their website looks like its possible to port forward but when you do the average port forward it basically returns itself back to its original state while looking like it worked

So any1 who hosts Mc with At&t U-Verse know the problem

Off Topic / Milk Man: World's Worst Superhero
« on: February 03, 2012, 06:10:40 PM »

Ah I laughed uncrontrollably for at least 5 minutes watching it over and over again!

Off Topic /
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:17:23 PM »
Okay wtf?

Really wtf?

General Discussion / Uncharted 3 maps
« on: October 16, 2011, 07:03:37 PM »
NO this does not belong in games

Aighty I have pre ordered Uncharted and the whole shabang and the day it comes out I plan on making each (or just the best) of their mutliplayer maps (and a couple campaign maps [with a different gamemode])

So basically all this thread is as of right now is a rectruiting for the making of the mutliplayer maps. (and planning)
Some of you may have the multiplayer beta for it with the 2 multiplayer maps... good (I had it when I had psn+ so I know what the maps look like but im not going to start building until Nov. 1st.)
I will be recruiting for a team of builders and eventers  (and hopefully a modder) and I will be making plans until it comes out... but no full scale builds until it comes out so everyone can have a idea on what the maps will look like and so we can make very quick progress

Who do I need?
I need some as I stated b4 good builders and eventers and people who can make quick progress doing so (I would like to have one map done within 4 days of vigorous building) so I need commited people as well. I plan on making the 2 maps in the beta ASAP but not until it comes out. If you have the beta you may know that on one of the maps before they get onto the main map they ride a plane... that would be made as well...


Help / Trees
« on: August 28, 2011, 05:49:59 PM »
Hi My server is fine and all but I have a forrest without trees... now I am asking if somebody would come to my server and make me a tree (with ramps and stuffz) because I fail at making my own trees...

ANy help would be appreciated... I am in need of three differnt kinds of trees...doesn't matter what kind though

Reset poll for new pics  
ANYONE WHO HAS NOTICED THE DROP In BRICKS  IT CAUSE IM REDOING part of the adventure mode                                 

Hey guys for the past months or 2 I have been hosting a WIP of my zombie server with two game modes... Sandbox and Adventure mode... each one has an eloborate storyline hopefully to put you in the zombie killing mood!
Now before I get to the pictures I must tell you a couple of things...
1. this is still a WIP but I am almost done with part 1 yes this isn't over imma add on more but for now I think this is enough...
2.I made this thread to adveratise for my soon to be server but also to ask for helpz
3. please rate if you want but dont be that guy who says it suckz and doesn't have any reason why
4. Adventure mode I made forever ago eventually imma scrap it and remake it so dont be to mea about it

I need Builders (because i'm only one person and far from the best), I need Decorators ( I suck at decor) and I need some1 to event (i'm good at eventing but I am Clueless with VCE)
What needs to be built? I am currently needing a grocery store... to end buildings and a end to the survival mode...
What needs to be evented? currently I am trying to figure out how to make a bit fly a copter with passengers in it then get blown up having the passengers parachute out on a certain platform to continue th storyline!
What needs to be decorated? most the interior of buildings!  No applications needed just stop by and join in the fun!

1. this is the spawn when you enter my server its 128 by 128 by 15 exterior is just blank but its not to be viewed form the outside anyways

2. Okay well I believe in getting credit if you do something so any1 who helped... (within reason) was added to this walkway!

3. Okay I decided to make a mini map of each game mode so people could stratigize with each other before they get a killin dem zombs
this one is the adventure mode... this one below is sandbox mode... remember these are mini maps and not scaled perfectly...

4. This is the adventure Mode safe house... imma make the rook 8 brickstall but this is the main spawn for it

5. this is a empty building right now and im not gonna describe much houses because most of them have secrets in thm so ya...

6. this is the mystery box system ... note I didn't make this I found this save on the forums I cant find them to give em credits but I remember he said any1 could use it so...

7. Small little shack and a Minecraft styled admin house....

8. A small little safe house Note all these pictures are still adventure mode

9. If you happen to get far enough in adventure mode you'll find 2 roads that go on for what looks like forever... U choose

Okay these pics are Sandbox mode

1. this is most of the overall look of the sandbox mode (ADDED A FURTURE WALL BLOCK)

2.  Okay this is a incomplete Police station meaning now done.... no interior of any of these cause most have a secret withing them *spoiler alert*

3.  This is the Sandbx mode Spawn area who doesn't love camp?

4.  Daaaah its a national socialist zombie outhouse.... the HORROR!!!

5.  The entrence to he Graveyard.... oH snap

6.  RAndom Fruit Stand... check out those outragous prices!!!!

7.  The Local Chum shop... I guess I can say its in "chummy state lol

8.  The only gun shop for miles... Hope the doors arn't locked... *hint hint*

9.  The side of the gun shop with some cluttered boxes and a dumpster

10.  The forest... needs work NOTE most stuff posted needs work

11. A shack rondomly placed... needs a lot of work...

Okay thats all the pictures for now...

I am In need of some1 to help me finish up details and building... Please tell me if you would like to help Thats all for now folks...

Woot a MC hot tub!

Help / Unable to play Blockland at all...
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:25:30 PM »
Okay before I start two things must be said
1. I dunno how to pst console. log and
2 I cannot play multiplayer single or host my own...

Okay so I decided to play the $20 game I payed for called Blockland and as I was planning to host my Server I got this message when loading datablocks...

Btw 9/10 I cannot host because It refuses to load all the datablocks... it stops exactly right where it is on the screenshot but then I got this message... what the hell... so I did the whole procedure of re-installing and crap but um as you all can see... nothing has happened 

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG? help would be appreciated...

Help / copter pilot
« on: August 01, 2011, 02:12:13 PM »
Okay for adventure mode on my ZAPT server when you think you get t othe end (Spoiler alert) you get on the helicopter and I want a bot to drive it so you are just a passenger and at a exact location of the bot flying the helicopter I want the copter to basically malfunction and you must use a parachute to get on to the next part of the story... how would I do that... the whole pilot thingy???

Games / Electronic arts just bought PopCap.... NO
« on: July 28, 2011, 09:47:40 PM »
Okay I just moved into my new house so this was a day or two ago but EA has boughten PopCap... you know like peggle and bejewled and my favorite Plants vs zombies... whearas EA makes Madden... (i buy like once every five years...) C&C not the firs two though... those ones are to good to be EA and all of the other sports games that they make every year... Last year EA had lost around 10 million Dollars...  And yet they Buy PopCap for 750 million big ones... Well this means goodbye to PLants vs Zombies two and other games PopCap was bound to make... and if EA tries to remake any of them well Damnit but NO. they are horrrible at addin on to sequals they didn't first think of... Such as WestWood... Good ole Westwood some of the best games of their time... Now we only see their logos on the games we all purchased years and years ago... Anyway  EA tried to continue C&C which i'll admit imma fan of theThird... the didn't to do bd on that actualy but the fourth... WTF that is the worst RTS I have ever seen... Really no building basedefences and NO currency...

Okay here is a list of all the Games i EXPECT ea TO RUIN... PvZ 2, Insaneaquarium... :c, Peggle, imma not sure about bejewled... PopCap already milked the bucket on that one... Add more to the list if yall will

Okay thats all I have to offer for today... Discuss if you want.. R.I.P. PopCap.

Help / Points and ZAPT
« on: July 25, 2011, 01:11:14 AM »
okay I wanted to design my own "perk machines" for my zombie server but I can't find any events that require a certain amount of oints to activate the machine... and how do I figure out how many points I have in a zapt server?

Suggestions & Requests / AI traffic
« on: July 23, 2011, 02:00:30 PM »
Okay for all dem cooky RP's out there (I don't know how to work with RP crap cause i'm lazy) I think RP's would be so much better with AI traffic.

Basically you would just put down a vechile of any sort name it then go to the road intersection or something and name it then so on and so forth.... then event the vechile spawn with some new events for traffic ad the vechile would travel to the first then the second... so on and so forth!

[Place picture here]    sorry photo bucket  isn't uploading my hand made picture!

A node event or something thn after the vechile would go to the entire cycle of nodes after that it would respawn and restart or just go back to the spawn and restart   

Adding multiple amounts of these could easily make a whole city of traffic! Which would be a nice touch to RP's out there

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