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Messages - Goth77

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Off Topic / Re: Pet Pics
« on: August 11, 2023, 08:35:02 PM »
based and shotgunpilled
cat looks to be keeping a close eye on you, as if to swat at you if you reach for that xD

our little stuff, Daisy Duke, promptly after getting caught in the garbage
LOL the face of guilt is real. cute pup

you're trying to dox my cats I'm not falling for this one again
jinkies, i've been found out gang

Off Topic / Pet Pics
« on: August 10, 2023, 06:59:18 AM »
this morning before breakfast I saw my 2 kitters snuggled up so cute, it made my day. I took a pic and wanted to share it with you all. consider this a thread to post pics of your companions if you'd like

Off Topic / Re: how have the last 5 years been for you?
« on: August 10, 2023, 06:50:41 AM »
lots of ups and downs, just trying my best to make the most of what I've got

Off Topic / Re: Drippy Outfits Thread
« on: August 04, 2023, 10:22:56 PM »
rocking these on the daily, originally bought them over a year ago for scooting cuz needed a pair of high tops for ankle protection. quite comfortable and durable

they make other variations of these as well if anyone is interested in this type of shoe/brand

Off Topic / Re: Best Meat
« on: August 04, 2023, 06:30:06 PM »

the meats i don't care for: turtle, gator, frog, certain types of fish - anything that tastes like muddy pond water really

not a big fan or pork either, probably has something to do with living down the road from a hog farm growing up and the owners would give us hog meat all the time for free - it was a nice gift but I grew tired of pork pretty quick lol. I rarely eat it anymore with the exception of the occasional bacon (BLT, on a burger, or with eggs and toast for breakfast)

Shrimp is excellent though it requires conditions:
  • Fully-grown shrimp. Smaller shrimp taste too much like fish and not enough like shrimp.
  • De-shelled for convenience. Shelled probably tastes better but I'm not eating crab. I'm eating shrimp.
  • Pan fried, oven baked, or grilled are ideal. Breading & deep frying is too much.
It's a demanding meat but if-done right it can taste better than most seafood; even lobster tail.
shrimp is excellent. the kind I get are large peeled and de-veined but with the tail end still on. I typically cook mine in a garlic butter sauce with a little salt and pepper. absolutely amazing with homemade roostertail sauce (horseradish and ketchup)
also, farm raised shrimp tastes awful compared to wild caught shrimp imo

man all the time lol

Off Topic / Re: yo is this song doodoo or
« on: July 29, 2023, 10:45:54 PM »
pretty good, gives me sort of keane-esque vibes

Off Topic / Re: Youtube Music + Adblock
« on: July 29, 2023, 10:42:59 PM »
After paying for YouTube Music for a long time I realized that if you block ads it seems to function the same way as premium for the most part. Only downfall is you can't stream music while your phones locked. (So probably gonna keep paying lol)
You can use mozilla firefox w/ uBlock origin on your phone and still stream music while phone is locked, this is assuming you have an android phone not sure about stuffty iphone

Off Topic / Re: blockland rebuilt
« on: July 16, 2023, 06:12:39 PM »
this is pretty damn cool, if the community can help rebuild the game into something better I'm all for it!

Add-Ons / Re: [Vehicle] Mini-Jeep GR2
« on: July 13, 2023, 06:03:32 AM »
Cool mod i just downloaded it. How did u get envmapping to work btw? its apparently a feature in ports dts exporter but all he said was that it 'doesnt work like it should'
thanks c:

I use blender 2.49b w/ the DTS exporter beta 3 for most stuff. For models without animations I will use Port's exporter for 2.74, but mostly i stick with the old skool tools since it's what im used to. in the beta 3 exporter there are environment mapping options - guessing it worked better before the removal of maps/terrain but it's still kinda neat to see/experiment around with

Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: July 10, 2023, 09:52:48 PM »
blockland flat earther child enthusiast cries about excessive use of social media, slobs on rage comic research artist. how are you breathing
yeah let me tell you im crying so hard right now. LOL. not sure what I did to ruffle your feathers but I don't see why there is any reason to call me a child enthusiast, that is both 100% untrue and just plain rude. anyone who hurts a child should be locked up for life or get the death penalty

and it really is Goth always the one giving the benefit of the doubt to just another iteration of the most out of left field mentality we see on this forum. just boring at this point
i don't see how the mentality was so "out of left field" when it's true that people do a lot of sob stories (and stupid pranks/challenges) on social media to gain some sort of following

when initially reading this thread, discovering about halfway through the topic that goth77 was still alive to post, was indeed one of the bigger surprises.
Why wouldnt he be alive? Honestly I thought u die before him.

Forum Games / Re: Describe the above user's avatar with one word v2
« on: July 10, 2023, 10:06:40 AM »

Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: July 10, 2023, 09:55:33 AM »
it's interesting that nobody in here has talked about the frequency thread yet, but i think a lot of that is because it's ultimately just a more on-the-nose version of the schizophrenic / neurotic stuff that some people have been posting in here.

some of you brothers really need to watch some of the more advice-oriented same hyde vids (i know, i know, sam hyde oh nooooo if youre going to just quote this part and disregard everything else then forget you cigarette), mainly the overarching message that the minutia of your stupid ass life isn't actually that profound and that thinking that way is a one way ticket to the mindset half of the people in this thread are subject to (your life is not a movie).

when my father died of brain cancer a few months ago instead of making it into this dumb movie moment i kind of just went home, wrote my thoughts down for myself and put them away until i feel the need to reference them later. this might sound heartless or something to you but believe it or not but this is similar to how people coped with actual issues in their lives for all of human history aside from the last ten or so years where the internet has to be your personal soapbox

i know that you were probably raised on the internet (as evidenced in almost every wall of text on this entire thread) and that the overarching thing is that you hate badspot because he didn't fulfill the role as your e-father, but ultimately a twenty dollar transaction one time in 2010 doesn't actually translate over to a lifelong mentor / censor from scary ideas (you know who you are).
im sorry to hear about your pops that is sad. aside from hearing that i quite enjoyed your post because I get what u mean

people can cope and vent how they want on the internet. no amount of meme-celebrity is going to change that. not horrible advice you're giving but you clearly didn't take it to heart because you're still here dogging on people.
while i agree with this too you have to understand what he's saying, people spend way too much of their personal time posting on social media nowadays and it's like they expect more out of it - not even anonymously like on a loving lego forum though, actually trying to gain a media center around their own real person. all in the sake of gaining "clout" and being just cringe in general. someones feelings got hurt and it's just such an emotionally breathtaking story. cry me a river, make sure to like and subscribe.

badspot made that "All you can eat" comic like nine years ago and it somehow it still hasn't clicked for some of you handicaps

for anyone who forgot/never seenit

simple yet funny. one of my favorites from back in the day is right next to it actually:
if im being real tho all the misc comics are pretty gas

Creativity / Re: Drawings Megathread
« on: July 08, 2023, 08:30:37 PM »
amazing drawings as always pomp :)

welcome to the 30 year old club lol. I'll be joining you when late september rolls around. time sure does fly the older you get

I am 30 years old and I am still here; dear god.

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