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Messages - -Jetz-

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Modification Help / Re: help with System_StaticMaps [1.2-beta] -
« on: June 24, 2016, 03:48:14 PM »
that is what i ment

Load saves

when i put it in the consol then i try to load a save nothing happens
Where does it go wrong? Does it not say it's loading? Does it not finish? Does nothing happen when you click "Load"? If that's the case, it sounds like you have bigger problems. All that $loadoffset command does is tell the game "Hey, whenever we do load a save file, shift all the bricks this much in these directions." Can't just be the $loadoffset that's causing problems, unless it's causing them to load far away and you're not noticing it or something.

Modification Help / Re: TALK THREAD about plans
« on: June 23, 2016, 04:08:41 PM »
but i don't now how to script so help please? or could someone give me a script for both???
Either you're looking for tutorials to get started with scripting, or this belongs in the Suggestions and Requests board. If you want to learn how to make it yourself, make an attempt to learn then come back with a more specific question. Otherwise, that's not help, it's just someone doing the work for you.

Note:please don't cause drama about me all im doing is posting stuff and why does it matter???
So the content of other peoples' posts should be devoid of anything critical of you, specifically because the content of your posts doesn't matter?

Just for clarification here, I thought the transmitDatablocks(); was necessary if the host is hosting the gamemode outside of a dedicated as they need to get the datablock information themselves.
Nope. All add-ons load before localClientConnection actually "connects" to the server and loads their own datablocks. Even if they didn't, the local client usually remains sync'd when a datablock changes.

Never looked in to why that is. I want to say because the client side and the server side are using the same datablock objects, but then I'd have no idea what's going on when it's supposedly loading datablocks from a local server. So I'm just guessing there's some special handling for local clients when datablocks change, maybe for the sake of singleplayer torque games that might want to do that easily.

Couldn't the same thing be accomplished by moving the Gamemode_[file] to the bottom of the
ADDON Gamemode_[file]

part in the gamemode.txt since it's basically an execution order?
Yeah you're right. I wasn't aware that it also loaded add-ons in the order given. Since it does, that would work just fine if you don't want the gamemode to work as a stand-alone script.

I think the idea here is that it's only changed once.
In which case the transmitDatablocks(); is unnecessary.

What's really important is that you use loadRequiredAddOn(%name); before attempting to change the speed, so you can be sure you can reference the datablock. If you've built your gamemode to double as a script when loaded in a custom gamemode, compare the return value of that function to $Error::AddOn_Disabled, and skip the change if it is. As long as you do it in a script that gets loaded when the game is started, you can change all the datablocks you want with no real consequence.

What you might go for is to make damage seem like it's worse than it actually is. Not sure how it'd actually play out in practice, but consider this: A player has 50 points of health, and a 25 health regenerating shield. Doesn't actually have to be a real energy shield or behave any different than normal health, it just has the mechanics of one. So if depleted, you take health damage from subsequent attacks, by avoiding damage for a time, it recharges, but the other 50 health does not regenerate. Second, when the "shield" is first depleted, the player takes heavily reduced damage for a few seconds, to actually make escaping or taking cover viable. Lastly, during this time, make the damage flash appear as though you're still taking full damage, maybe even more than you really are, to encourage running away.

You'd have to tweak the numbers, add special cases for different types of damage, and it could probably be used to the advantage of anyone who knows the system, but the general idea is that whenever someone is taking fire, it feels like they've taken a lot of damage when they get hit. Their health is low enough that remaining under fire will kill them, but it's still possible to duck in to cover. If they remain out in the open and return fire, they'll be at a disadvantage because the other player shot first, and the other player still has their "shield" and couple seconds of safety to get through.

If you want to shut down crouch jumping (more than the default increased damage), you could utilize weapons that have higher accuracy when stationary, and tune them to suffer significant penalties when airborne. This would also encourage fighting from stationary cover rather than dodging.

General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles!
« on: June 18, 2016, 11:44:35 PM »
damn what was the first
Also mine. Same chair, in fact. My chair's awesomeness was so high that it had to be split up into different spots on the list, which is convenient because just holding the number 1 spot simply doesn't do it justice. My chair currently holds spots 1 through 37 on the worldwide chair leaderboard.

Games / Re: E3 2016 Megathread - STARTS TOMORROW!
« on: June 14, 2016, 08:06:10 PM »
Finally got to see Nintendo. I've said before that I don't like parts of the show where they show you one little teaser for something cool then move on without saying anything else, but this seems like a bit too far in the other direction. 2 games, and their showings were padded out to a ridiculous extent.

Guess that's as good as it's gonna get, bingo-wise.

Final report card:

Games / Re: E3 2016 Megathread - STARTS TOMORROW!
« on: June 14, 2016, 04:00:31 AM »
Finally got around to catching up on these conferences and this thread.

You people are way too nice to these companies who act like games are only there to support the hardware, rather than the other way around. I remember the exact moment when the Microsoft one slipped into "F" territory, and that was near the end when they were talking about their fancy new Xboner S, saying it would be "backwards compatible" with the less fancy version of the exact same loving console. They announced it like it was a selling point, and added that no games are getting left behind. How about the entire loving generation of the 360? Surely it couldn't hurt your console to add a few thousand new titles to it, but I suppose that would mean you couldn't double dip and cash in on all those games by touching up the graphics a little and releasing it all over again, so that's off the table, right?

Anyone want to point me to whatever Square Enix is doing so I can grade them and wrap this thing up? Is it really just a showing of Deus Ex?

Bingo card nearly complete. Has anyone caught any word of microtransactions? And is there any chance that dancing giraffe was secretly Gabe Newell?

Games / Re: E3 2016 Megathread - STARTS TOMORROW!
« on: June 12, 2016, 11:47:59 PM »

Well, Bethesda got a B in my books for focusing entirely on games instead of sports and unrelated bullstuff. Nothing that particularly interests me aside from maybe Dishonored, but nothing I'd be particularly adverse to playing either. Then I had to knock it down to a C because forget reboots. Was on the fence for whether to mark off "Reboot that nobody asked for" since I never played Prey but it seems people were holding out hopes for a sequel rather than starting from scratch so I went ahead and did it. Was hoping they'd talk more about their card game so I could knock off "Microtransactions" too, but oh well.

Games / Re: E3 2016 Megathread - STARTS TOMORROW!
« on: June 12, 2016, 09:40:54 PM »
What's the point of using someone else's bingo card? They're gonna be marking it off themselves anyway; the idea is to make your own with your own expectations. At the very least scramble it up so you have a somewhat unique card.

That being said, I recycled a bunch of my blocks from last year because I'm just that cynical.

And here's a report card.

Someone want to fill me in on what Square Enix's deal is? I heard they did a show for the new Deus Ex but is that all?

Drama / Re: We get it, I want to kill children in videogames.
« on: May 11, 2016, 01:48:09 AM »
I had this discussion with an autistic male who happens to be in his 30s. All I said was that the game should have killable children, more nudity and references to love and rape.

Fallout 4 literally is the least mature M rated title I've seen. There is hardly any limits being pushed.

Adding those things just to "push the limits" of the M rating sounds like trying to be edgy just for the sake of being edgy. At the same time, though, banning child-killing strikes me as the work of a total weenie. You don't need to have a major plot-point be about a guy who throws children into meat-grinders for fun, hell, you can even have the other NPCs never fight them at all. Just don't make random characters arbitrarily invincible just because they're smaller and more annoying than most others. There's no need to appease whiny starfishs who can't properly differentiate a smear of red pixels on someone else's screen from something that actually matters. Let players play the game however they want, and everyone goes home happy.

Unless of course they have some kind of mental defect that causes them to get irrationally angry at the way a different person plays their copy of a singleplayer game. The same kind of people who start crying when they hear about Dark Souls getting an easy mode or whatever. Those kinds of people can feel free to join the rest of the children in the meat-grinder.

Part of the win8 terms of service includes being forced to download updates pushed by microsoft, and honestly if you're too handicapped to read and see how people are trying to help you, gladly will you remain in the upgrade loop.
So what? He's not saying he's trying to find legal grounds on which to sue Microsoft for this change, he's saying it's a bullstuff business practice, which it definitely is. Even if people did read the terms and conditions of the things they installed, it would still be fair to call Microsoft out on this stuff here because when you give them the authority to do that, it's with the assumption that will use that power responsibly. I could accept a mass forced update in the circumstance that it's actually something important, like stopping some massive exploit that was uncovered that allows someone to take over a computer using only an IP address, but using it to force their useless OS on people who don't want is it absolutely unacceptable.

Help / Re: Make someone Admin and Super Admin Through console?
« on: March 30, 2016, 12:30:20 PM »
You can also use $pref::server::AdminPassword = "password"; or $pref::server::SuperAdminPassword = "betterpassword"; and just give them the passwords.

Try renaming it? I'm just guessing because I don't entirely know how this system works, but perhaps it's a case of the game reading a cached file with stereo audio of the same name. If that works you can change the name back if you delete your cache file.

Off Topic / Re: How do you imagine Annoying Orange's wall?
« on: March 23, 2016, 06:47:05 PM »
if we can build a 1900 mile wall, we can get a 1900 mile ribbon
But cutting a ribbon is supposed to symbolize that something is now open to the public. Maybe we he can do the opposite, have two long ribbons each stretching halfway, and at the middle hold a ceremony where he tapes the two ends together and proclaims the border officially closed.

Or maybe he could hold a ceremony just a bit south of the border when the turrets come online, and proclaim the kill-zone officially open to the public. The he cuts the ribbon and a bunch of Mexicans charge at it in a group to see if overwhelming numbers will be enough to get a few of them in.

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