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Topics - Antares

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7
Help / Weird green effect color on interior models
« on: November 14, 2011, 10:33:51 AM »
I've been busy with making a new map. But since the last update of Blockland, I noticed strange green color effects on my interior models I've made. I don't know what the problem is, but I would like to fix this problem.

Modification Help / [Development] GTT: Viano City *Updated news 12/18/2011*
« on: November 03, 2011, 05:32:09 PM »

Map size (so far): 18.76MB

Viano City is a new upcoming blocko city map for Blockland. Nearly all interiors can be visited, once it is finished. Easter-eggs will be added also, more of the map will be kept as a surprise. If everything is quickly finished, the map was released on 12 December 2011.

Warning: The map requires a fast working video card. The reason? The map is very detailed, with many objects.

"This is Viano FM. This month, a gigantic liner will arrive, it's new and fresh. Some people describe it as a four funnel liner, who knows? Thank you for enjoying Viano FM, and now we skip to Hold the Line song."

Latest News
18.4.2011 - I will re-export all models into Blockland again. To see if the green effect bug is gone from the models.
12.4.2011 - Official trailer released here.
12.1.2011 - Military base "height in hallways" fixed.
12.1.2011 - Windmills, desert and drug factory added.
11.23.2011 - There will be a desert behind Viano City, to make it more better.
11.12.2011 - Tonight a new beta test around 8pm in U.S. time. Be sure to check it out beta-testers! ;-)
11.9.2011 - Road textures finished, the final version will be done this week. I think, I will release the map earlier.
11.7.2011 - Tomorrow, another beta test at my server. New road textures will be placed in the map. A big thanks to:
11.5.2011 - Hospital has been made. Several glitches fixed, and every door hole has the size of JVS doors.
11.4.2011 - Airport, billboard and cell phone masts have been made. Vice City feeling is coming closer, I can yet refer this map as the most detailed blocko city ever.
11.4.2011 - A lot has been done in five hours. Police station, hotel, traffic light, beach house, home house and fire station has been made. Everything aligns with the building grid.
11.4.2011 - Progress has been started now. Some buildings will be made, just keep every day an eye on this development.
11.3.2011 - I am looking for five beta testers. The first beta test will be kept on 5 November, this weekend.

Q: I am a beta tester, where do I place the zip file?
A) You place the folder Map_Viano in the zip file, to the Add-Ons folder.

Q: I found a glitch, where do I report it?
A) Just send me a pm with a screenshot.

Q: Is everything aligned with the building grid?
A) Yes.

Q: Who made the textures?
A) [GSF]Ghost made the textures. They were token from GSF San Andreas map.

Q: How do I make a blocko city?
A) You need to have a good brain when you use Torque Constructor.

Q: How long did the progress took?
A) I started last Tuesday, November 1 2011. In just four days, the map was already nearly completed.

Q: How big is the map?
A) Big enough to hide in.

Become a beta tester
Want to become a beta tester? Send this information below in a pm to me.

Beta testers
Brian Smith ID: 8437
Nasoa ID: 26543
MrLoL ID: 3306
BlockStar ID: ??
Jacob 123456789 ID: 3741
InFamous99 ID: 11322
MunkyCheez ID: 10664
TomTheGeek ID: ??
Moonlight ID: 10705
Phillip ID: 24585
Serge64 ID: ??
Siba ID: ??
Azur ID: 22925
Robo Dude ID: 10725

Beta positions closed.

Every beta tester, add me on Return to Blockland messenger: ID 6979. ;-)

A big thanks to:
Pentium - The road textures <3

Code: [Select]
[b]When are you online:[/b]

Help / Blockland base folder
« on: October 28, 2011, 04:41:34 PM »
Where the hell is the Blockland base folder located?

Modification Help / Artanic III - Progress 90%
« on: October 01, 2011, 10:31:45 AM »
The very last impressive ship I am building right now. This is also the last four-funnel ship in Blockland. This ship will be also placed in my map Southampton docks. What will happen to my twelfth other ships? They will be sadly scrapped from now till the summer of 2012. Things I have to do is:

- Adding deck furniture: 0%
- Lowering the crows nest
- New ship docks 0%
- Ship and funnel lighting - 0%
- Bridge furniture - 9%


Artanic III left, Olympic (Titanic's sister) right

Forum Games / Earth 5.0 - Welcome to Terra (discussion)
« on: September 24, 2011, 08:13:45 AM »

    Planet Terra (map by Antares Andrews)

    Previous Earth threads
    * Earth 2.0 - By Shinji
    * Earth 3.0 - By Roknrollwill
    * Earth 4.0 - By Oasis
    * Earth 5.0 - By Antares
    * Earth 6.0 - By Oasis

    (2116) 2073 - Each week is a new year
    (January, March, May, July, August, October, December - Each day is a new month)


    Earth has failed, although we made it here with space technology, it's all been lost.

    Map of Terra

    There are no war(s) going on (yet).
    Rioting CrCIA (2067 - 5 December 2068)

    • Antares (Some times AFK)
    • Gojira (Active)
    • Mikeoyan (Active)
    • QuantumEagle (Active)
    • Watcher In The Myst (Active)
    • BladeOfTheHorizon (Active)
    • *FacePalm* (Active)
    • Tomcat (Active)


    Super powers
    - Republic of Irajinia
    - The Federal Republic of Vona/" "Fokewolfe

    - United States of Peekarica
    - Viano
    - Vegzombia
    - Nappy Land
    - Federated Suns
    - The Legion
    - Gumstralia
    - States of Garrcian Heritage
    - The Xarian Federation
    - Coryza
    - The Republic of Remagen
    - The New Republic of Rome
    - United Republic of Lyribus
    - Trejirm
    - The Federal Republic of Vona
    - Sakamoto
    - Legatiotius



    The Rules of Terra
    It's important that you follow the rules, before you make a country.

    You can do:
    1. Start a war, if you really need to. Contact me before you do.
    2. Form alliances. Contact the person you'd like to form an alliance with before you do so.
    3. Establish trade routes. See above.
    4. Terrorist attacks, covert operations. You don't need permission for these.
    5. Whatever you can think of that's not below.

    You can't do:
    You can't do:
    1. Randomly start wars for no reason
    2. Have any super laser weaponry stuff or travel light speed shuttles, we're not THAT far into the future.
    3. Use real world leaders to represent your country IE: Riddler, Stalin, Bush, etc.
    4. Have really stupid and handicapped named like "SUPERGUNNATION" or "MINECRAFTLAND". Be creative.
    5. Wars last a minimum of 5 months.
    6. No stupid alien technology stuff about super powered weapons, invasions, first contact ect.

    If you country does not follow the rules, it will be suspended.

    Make your country

    Now it is time to make your country. If you want a country, tell the name of it. Start with a population of 25,000 people.
    Code: [Select]
    [b]Country name:[/b]


    [b]Government type:[/b]

    [b]Country type (economic, military):[/b]

    [b]Economy type (Market, Command, Mixed, Traditional):[/b]


    [b]Population (Max is 100,000,000 for now):[/b]


    [b]National Anthem**:[/b]


    [b]Military Technology**:[/b]

    Drama / Juicy Drop Pop - The alt of ChrisD
    « on: August 27, 2011, 06:32:44 PM »
    See here another thread about Chris.

    So first, let me introduce Mr.Chris.

    Mr.Chris, also known as ChrisD has been famous for a long time because of stealing epic save builds around some server places in Blockland. There was also another user, named Juicy Drop Pop, which is defending Chris right now.

    Today, Juicy Drop Pop has posted a screenshot, which is 100% edited. Look up to the letter type. Now it is clearly that ChrisD is Juicy Drop Pop. No one would ever defend ChrisD.

    General Discussion / Battle: Los Angeles
    « on: August 24, 2011, 11:31:33 AM »

    On 12 August 2011, on 1:32 PM. An unknown enemy have invaded our Earth for it's resources. We don't know where they came from, but we're the last offensive force on the USA west coast. We cannot lose Los Angeles. Defensive lines has been put up in Down Town LA, and in the east side of LA.

    Military: Take control of land, water and air. Don't let the enemy defeat Los Angeles, and bringing the war in the heart of the USA.
    Aliens or Enemy: Defeat Los Angeles, and capture it.

    The server
    Host: Antares

    For more Battle: LA feeling you can instantly listen the "For Home, Country and Family" soundtrack of Battle: Los Angeles.

    The plan
    Image coming soon

    Military base

    Gallery / Habbo Hotel Peekarica - 3D Project
    « on: August 04, 2011, 10:23:09 AM »
    Habbo Hotel Peekarica

    Habbo Hotel Peekarica is a project that started in the last weeks of Christmas 2009. Aphtonites and Antares (me) started to built the Welcome Lounge in 3D. Not many minutes later we had one plan: Rebuilding Habbo Hotel's old glory in 3D.

    Habbo Hotel Peekarica is not based on the official Habbo of today, it's based on Habbo 2005/2006. When the Great Raid, MoD, and other stuff happened. While the pools were closed duo aids!


    Navigator (click on GO, using SetPlayerTransform)

    Habbo Museum

    The Roof of Habbo Peekarica

    Diner at the clouds

    Welcome Lounge




    Rooftop Rumble

    Cafe Olé





    Diving at Habbo Lido (Swimmingpool)

    Aphtonites Private room

    Private room

    Private room

    * Habbo Hotel Peekarica during the Alpha stages

    Thanks to
    - Aphtonites
    - Olly Krilly
    - Nightelf21
    - Mr.LoL

    Off Topic / Smoking Thread
    « on: July 24, 2011, 07:23:38 AM »
    Do you ever smoked a cigarette? Or do you want to know how it is? If you do smoking, could you tell why you do it? Raise your voice. I only do smoking because it relaxes me. The brand of my shag for smoking is West Red. When I started with smoking seven weeks ago, I had Pall Mall Heavy.

    Besides, smoking can be deathly. Once you have been smoking for weeks, you can't stop anymore with it. The proof that I'd smoking;

    Off Topic / Internet problems
    « on: June 23, 2011, 05:03:11 PM »
    Since this month I have a lot of internet connection problems. My father received faster internet this month from his internet provider Ziggo. A member of Ziggo came last week here to see what the problem was. He told that an illigal/unknown software is causing the internet problems. Then I've heard that a second firewall was running... but since now I have a lot of internet connection.

    I don't know what is causing it, I didn't had any problems before June. I have checked all my files in my computer software, scanned my computer but I can't find nothing. I am running Windows XP. Anyone knows how to fix this problem? D:

    Maps / United States of Peekarica [V3]
    « on: June 02, 2011, 02:47:45 PM »
    United States of Peekarica

    Peek City was built in September 2009 using Torque Constructor. It took weeks to complete the city, and two years for the final version. This map is used and made in another Torque Game named Peekarica. Do NOT use the city for your own map without permission.

    Thanks to:
    • Devvy996, for his high definition water texture.

    • Blue clouds sky added
    • Mission sunlight color changed
    • Little terrain fixes
    • Water texture changed


    Download the map. (13 mb)

    AoT General / Discussions about AoT V3
    « on: June 02, 2011, 07:47:02 AM »
    Was it against the rules to talk about AoT V3 or re-releasing AoT V3? Because I have a own server with a Blockland map called GSF San Andreas. It has a lot of quests and clothes shop!

    AoT General / My account
    « on: May 29, 2011, 08:03:09 AM »
    I haven't been on for ages on Age of Time. Do you guys know if someone has my account Claude Vance? D:
    My last login from my own computer was in August 2010.

    Modification Help / [RMS] Olympic ship [W.I.P]
    « on: May 10, 2011, 03:07:05 PM »

    Olympic seen at sea on 11 May 2011.

    Olympic is a 1:1 low scale model of the real Olympic from 1911. Olympic, was like other liners the biggest ship in the world in her time. She was joined by two young sisters Titanic and Britannic. When both sisters vanished, the Olympic did her job where she was built for. It was always my dream since the summer of 2009 to build the Olympic in full scale.

    In her career she was a war transport ship and took thousand of soldiers in safety and sunk a U-103 in World War 1. She is the only ship to this day which sunk a U-boat with her own propellers. Like all good things, there was always an ending. In 1935, the Olympic was laid up with Mauretania in Southampton.

    In May 1935, British Movietone News tried to get people involved to save the Mauretania and the Olympic. Sadly, Mauretania left Southampton for ever on 1 July 1935 and Olympic on 10 October 1935. She sailed under her own steam to the Ship Breakers. The ship sailed off into history in 1937, when the empty hull was scrapped in Scotland.

    About the Olympic model
    The Olympic model isn't yet finished. Much things has to be done, since Torque Constructor has a limit, some models will be made apart like the railing of the ship. There are also some little face glitches in the model, but you won't see them from far away.

    The progress
    The progress of Olympic started on 29 May 2010. After a week, I was very tired of the face glitches which were seen on the model. That I decide to stop the project, in August 2010 I picked it up again but yet it failed. Today, I took up the project again and fixed some of her big glitches.

    Ingame shots

    Screenshots of progress
    29 May 2010

    13 August 2010

    10 May 2011

    Off Topic / Official Airsoft Thread
    « on: May 06, 2011, 05:10:49 PM »

    Airsoft is a combat game in reality with real replica guns. Airsoft was founded somewhere in the 70's or 80's. The game is about two teams which fights against others, and doing missions. Much Airsoft games are World War 2 reenactments. This thread is for people who have been playing Airsoft already or planning to do it.
    Share off your story how you have been playing Airsoft!

    More information here.

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